𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚

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She doesn't see Bakugou again until the day before the sanctuary is set to close.

Tsuyu never found herself threatened at the lack of his presence. If she had learned anything about the hotheaded blond in the last couple of weeks, it was that he was more caring and reliable than he lets on.

So when he texts her "get ur ass in gear for 2nite, we got shit to do," on Sunday morning, she smiles at the promise of another chance to see him again.

And to save the sanctuary. Obviously.

On Sunday evening, Katsuki pulls up in his beat-up black van. As Tsuyu walks up to the passenger seat, she is surprised by the presence of a freckled-face boy in her seat.

"Hello," Tsuyu says to the boy in the passenger seat.

"Hey! Tsuyu? How are you? Midoriya Izuku." The freckled boy sticks his hand out the window in greeting and Tsuyu shakes it politely. "I've heard a lot about you from Kacchan!"

Tsuyu laughs as the sound of teeth-sucking comes from the driver's seat. "Knowing Baku-chan, that might not be a good thing."

Izuku nervously laughs with her.

The quiet of the empty street is interrupted with the obnoxious sound of a car horn. "Get the fuck in the car and stop messin' with me."

Tsuyu obediently hops in the backseat of the car. She is shocked at what she sees.

"Baku-chan...? How?" In the backseat of the car are three huge crates of frogs. The same crates that were being used at the headquarters of JSPCA. Tsuyu was happy that they were out of the clutches of such evil people, but they were also still sickly-looking and were crowded in the crates to the point where most of them couldn't move.

"What do you mean, 'how?' We just went and got them."

"You and Midoriya-kun?" Tsuyu looks at the boy in the passenger seat. He didn't look like someone who would commit acts of thievery in the dead of night.

"Yup," the green-haired boy confirms. "This is the easiest recon and rescue mission we've done in awhile. We didn't even need Kaminari's help, Kacchan!"

Tsuyu thinks she should be confused, or at least overwhelmed, but she's only very interested. "You do these kind of things regularly?"

Izuku fully turns to look at her in the backseat. "Oh, yeah! Kacchan didn't tell you? Most of our work is done under the table. The government is actually pretty lenient concerning animal abuse laws. Sometimes we have to take action ourselves."

"Average do-good citizens by daylight, vigilante animal rescuers by moonlight," Tsuyu responds, impressed.

"We give animal abusers a real big fright! We are the ones called Yuuuuuuuei," the boy sing-songs and they laugh together over the clever improvisation.

"Are you two done? I knew bringin' you idiots together would be more annoyin' than helpful."

Izuku laughs goodnaturedly. "Okay, okay. Tsuyu, can we drop off the frogs at your sanctuary?" Tsuyu can tell by the way Izuku has asked the question (and the way that Bakugou starts speeding off in the direction of the sanctuary) that he and Katsuki have already assumed that she can handle the intense load of abused frogs at the center.

She can not.

"No, we don't have enough space. We wouldn't be able to responsibly take care of all of them there."

Izuku's eyes widen like saucers. "Oh."

"Fuck," Katsuki exclaims while turning around. "Where the fuck are we goin' now?"

Tsuyu inspects the crates of amphibians closely. While Izuku and Bakugou go over possibilities in the front seat, she takes her time closely examining the stability of the frogs. After a while, she voices her own solution.

"Let's just take them home," she plainly suggests.


"Yes. A pond. Or a lake. From what I can tell, none of them are deathly sick or physically impaired enough to not be okay if we release them."

Izuku has a look of skepticism marring his boyish features. "Are you sure? They look pretty bad."

Tsuyu waves him off. "They're fine. They look like that because they've been cooped up in these stuffy crates for so long. Most of their injuries are minor cuts and bruises. They'll be fine."

Izuku continues to look disbelieving. "And you're a... vet, I'm assuming?"

"Marine biologist," Tsuyu corrects. "And I specialize in amphibian behavior. You can trust me. They're fine."

Izuku's eyes widen again, but this time in excitement. "Ooh, Kacchan! You didn't tell me Tsuyu was a marine biologist." He turns back to Tsuyu. "All that talk about you and not once did he mention your profession!"

This time, it's Tsuyu who blushes as Katsuki whacks the back of Izuku's head. "Shut the fuck up, dipshit. I didn't know either. I just met her."

Rubbing the back of his head, Izuku smiles tauntingly. "Well, with as much as you talk about her, I can't tell."

Bakugou aims to smack the freckled passenger yet again, but the boy maneuvers and he misses. "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you if you don't shut up." Izuku mimes himself closing a zipper against his mouth, and throws his hands up in surrender. "That's what I thought, Deku. Shit ass nerd."

"Uh," Tsuyu interjects. "We're going to the pond right?" Her blush doesn't fade even though the conversation now takes a different route.

"Are we? Releasing all these fuckers into the wild like this is gonna fuck with the ecosystem, ain't it?"

"No," she responds. "Our ecosystem could actually benefit from this. The frog population in our area has been shrinking incredibly over the past ten years. There's no way we could overload it, if anything we'd be balancing it."

For the first time since Tsuyu has entered the car, Bakugou turns around in his seat to face her completely. He looks at her with an intensity that mirrors the beginning of their exploits together. "You sure about this, Asui?"

"Positive. Trust me."

Bakugou looks at her for a second longer before turning back around in his seat.

"Alright, fuckers. Let's get this show on the road."

Yuuei (Bakugo x Tsuyu)Where stories live. Discover now