I am forever alone.

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Why aren't you thinking?

I wrote these poems by hand,

In hope that you would understand

what was happening to me,

but if you must know I'm free.

Not floating, I'm flying,

while you sit there crying,

and hope I come home.

Why can't you come to grasps with my freedom?

You travel through smog,

I leap through fog,

You wish you could die,

I feel on high.

Life is your haul,

Life is my call

Bubbles pathe my path,

But yours is pathed by cobblestones and boudaries.

Why don't you come with me?

You work like a dog for a bone,

While I sit at home,

My forest my land my life,

Our forest our land our life

Not your strife,

Just us, kindred spirits.

Why shouldn't you come?

Your work is gone,

You were wrong,

Love has left

by a note in stony cleft,

Heart is bitter but strong,

Enough for you to come with me.

Why isn't my place you place?

My leaves are soft,

the waves aloft,

The silence breaker is wind,

pathing its way through the beautiful place that is my home.

Why won't you learn?

Why can't you stay?

Why don't you love me anymore?

Why are you leaving?

Why aren't you kissing me goodbye?

Who are you, leaving me like this?

Where am I in this dark part of my wilds, is this heartbreak?

When did you leave? It feels like forever.

You were the only one who knew my secrets, cherished them, cherished me, loved me, cares, cared or ever will care. But you left.

My fate is sealed,

My heart is pure,

My trust I weild,

until I'm sure.

Please don't apoligize. It's too late, this is my fate.

I am forever alone.

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