Chapter 5: Marshall is dead ?

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Everest POV
It's been 15 minutes since Marshall left, but he's not coming back.

Me: RYDER !!! We must bring back Marshall !!!

Ryder: I'm sorry Everest, we have to put out the fire first. Marshall is alive, he's a strong pup.

Me: Alright !!! I will go there myself!

Ryder: Everest! No! It's too dangerous!!

Marshall POV
The roof of the city hall has just fallen on me, I scream in pain.
I limp along when I see a panicking chicken.
I laugh.

Me: Little chicken ! I found you !

Chickaletta gets on my head, I cough because there is smoke everywhere.
I see the sunlight.
Am I dead?
Am I in Heaven?

Everest POV
I move forward to enter in the city hall and look for Marshall.
I just walk a few steps before I see a black pup limping forward, with a black chicken on his head.


I run over to him, and give him a big hug.
Reinforcements arrived, and the fire was extinguished in 5 minutes.
Marshall is taken to a hospital because of the big burns and wounds he had on his skin.

1 day later, we can visit Marshall in the hospital.

Ryder: Hi Marshall, how are you?

Marshall: Thanks, I'm fine ...

Skye: It's really brave what you did Marshall !!

Chase and I are red with anger at Skye.
I see Chase dropping a tear before running away.

Skye: Chasey! Where are you going ?

Me: I'm glad you're okay.

Marshall: Thanks Everest!

Skye: Don't you have anything to say, Everest?

Me: What ?

Skye winks at me.
I know exactly what she's trying to tell me, she wants me to tell Marshall my feelings.
Never !
I'm sure he doesn't like me!
I'm trying to say a sentence to change the subject.

Me: Chase is crying !

Skye: WHAT !!?

Skye POV
I come out of the hospital and see my German Shepherd sitting at the bottom of a tree, his head bowed, and sad.

Me: What's wrong, Chasey?

Chase: Oh, nothing. I'm fine !!

Me: Are you jealous? Because I told Marshall he was brave?

Chase: Not at all! I'm not jealous !

Chase lets 3 tears escape from his eye.
I wipe them off with my paw.
And I raise an eyebrow at Chase.

Chase: Okay, okay!

Skye: Chase, you're brave for me all the time!

Before he can speak, I kiss him with my thick lips resting on his.

A Marshall and Everest Love story Part 2Where stories live. Discover now