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33. Michael sat on his bed and buried his head in his palms. It was time to set things straight. He had not played fair with Claire and it was because of lust. He wanted to eat his cake and still have it, forgetting that he could always have gotten those satisfactions with Claire if he had taught her, or even allowed her to keep friends who she could ask very personal questions. He shook his head. He had lost Claire, the love of his life, but he would look for means to make things better.

He picked his phone and dialed Ebere who picked up immediately,

"Ebere, where are you?" He asked as soon as she picked the call, surprised that she was still awake at that time.

"I'm at a hotel sir." She replied.

"I need you to come back home. Do that first thing in the morning."

"But sir, I do not want trouble please. I...... "

"Get yourself back to this house first thing in the morning Ebere. I'll be waiting for you." He interrupted.

"Alright sir." She replied calmly

"Go to sleep now. See you soon." He ended the call and breathed out. 
He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. This would be difficult but somehow, he knew he would set things right this time.


Kelvin couldn't wait for sunrise before dialing Phil's number. He was desperate to talk to Claire and he believed the more he waited, the more he ran out of time. Phil gave him his house address and he drove off.
Phil was already waiting for him at the gate and as soon as he drove in, Phil knew that something was wrong.

"What's up man? You don't look good." Phil queried.

"I need claire's house address." Kelvin demanded.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" Phil asked, concern laced on his face.

"She's fine. I just need to talk to her before I leave."

"Alright. But come in. This is your first time at my place."

"I'll come after I see Claire please."

Phil looked at him suspiciously and gave the address then watched kelvin drive out in a hurry. He shook his head and went back into his house, wondering what was wrong.


Chika was about leaving the house when she saw kelvin driving in. She smiled at him;

"Good morning sir, you're early."

"Good morning Chika. Is Claire in?" Kelvin asked.

"No. She left very late last night and she didn't come back. How is Gertrude?"

"She's fine. Okay. Don't tell Claire I came around. I'll be back later in the day."

"Alright sir. Can I join you? I'm going to Busara road."

"Of course. Let's go. "

They got in and drove off while the gate man locked up.


Claire buried her legs in the sand. She had ran to the beach seeking solace. Her tears had stopped but her heart was broken. Everybody she knew and regarded as family had in one way or the other betrayed her; from her husband to her helps. They had stabbed her at the back while she played Miss Goody Two Shoes. She rubbed her neck and watched the seawaves. Goose pimples appeared on her skin as she thought of the number of times she should have known something was up but she kept giving excuses for their every action while they ruined her life. She heaved a sigh and stood up. She was done being the timid and naive Claire. She won't allow them eat their cake and have it back. She would give all of them in the same dose as they gave her. She walked out to where she parked her car and got in, they won't know what hit them.

She started the ignition and drove home.


Amara picked her handbag and left the house without telling anyone. She would do this and then leave their lives for good. Carrying the baby would be a constant reminder of the evil she committed against her sister. And what's worse when she doesn't know the exact man who has her child and Michael already talked about DNA? She wouldn't shame herself further by carrying the child and end up getting humiliated by Michael if the results come out negative.

She left the compound and as she stood at the side walk, she mused over what Chantal had said, her karma came quite early.


"Chika!" Ebere exclaimed as soon as she opened the door to her hotel room.
The two friends embraced themselves warmly, having missed each other.

"Come in please." Ebere said

"No. Let's get you home. We'll talk when you're at Mr Michael's house." Chika went straight to the point and Ebere rolled her eyes.

"Why are you always like this? At least, ask me questions. Or let's even make a plan. What if Amara is ready for a fight?"

"That's why I'm here Ebere. Let's go now before Michael leaves for work. Where are your bags?"

And with that, they left the hotel for the Njama's residence.


Hello lovelies. I know this chapter is short but i just had to write something to get you guys to notice. I've been very busy and you guys haven't really been giving me the critic I expected, causing me to doubt if the storyline is good or not.

On the other hand, thank you to those who had reached out and I ask that you keep following and you won't be disappointed.

I love you lovelies.

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