Chapter 35

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*guys, I'm sorry for the silence and lack of updates. If I should give reasons, it would look like I always have excuses but let me not bore you. I come with a peace offering and wow!!!!! 1.6k reads. I don blow already. Lmao. Stick with me guys so we'll bring this story to an end real quick. I love you all my lovelies, hope you forgive me and love me back💕💕💕*


Claire went up to her room, angry, frustrated and confused. She hated the way her own people had made her bitter, how they had all worked together to ruin her, how she had allowed them take charge of her life and now, how they had destroyed the only friendship she was involved in. She also blamed herself for judging Chantal without hearing from her. And since the first time since she left Michael's house, she broke down and cried; cried for herself, her lost baby and her failed marriage. She laid on her bed, allowing her tears soak the sheet.
They had destroyed her life, leaving her all alone and heartbroken. She sat up quickly, as if a thought suddenly hit her, wiping her tears, she picked her phone and dialed the number she had memorized over the years.


Kelvin watched his phone ring, surprised that she was calling him. He allowed it ring and after that, he called her back.

"Hello" He said into the receiver, still shocked that she wanted to hear from him.

"Good evening Kels. Are you still in town?" Came her ever so smooth voice.

"Ye...... Yes I am." He stuttered.

"Okay. Uhm, I was wondering if you can come to the house because as you know, we need to talk."

"I know Claire. Should I come now? Or?"

"Friday evening. I am traveling to Abuja for a meeting in two days so I will call you when I'm back."

"Or would you like me to go with you?" Kelvin said, trying his luck. He knew things were no longer the way it used to be but he chose to try anyways.

"That would have been nice Kels but I have other plans." She answered.

"Okay then, Friday it is."

"Yes. Friday. Thank you for answering."

"Claire, we........ "
But the call was already terminated. He smiled, this was progress, this means there was hope for their friendship. With a smile on his face, he laid on his bed, ready to call it a night.


Chika and Ebere were in the sitting room when Michael returned. The two girls greeted him and he was happy to respond.

"Hope you two had a wonderful day?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Chika said, standing up, "I would be taking my leave now as I wanted you to be around before I go. I don't want to leave her with Amara again."

Michael smiled.
"It's fine. Thank you Chika. How is your boss?"

"She's fine sir. I'll leave now." Chika said. She embraced Ebere and turned to leave but Michael stopped her. He rummaged through his wallet and brought out some naira notes.

"Have this for your transport. Get a cab." He said.

"Thank you sir. I really appreciate. Thank you." Chika beamed with a sincere smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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