She wrapped her hands around him while he watched in disgust.
"I'm sorry darling. I went to the hospital for registration, from there, i stopped by the market to buy some things. I didn't know that traffic will be heavy or I would have cone home straight from the hospital." She whined, feigning fatigue.
"And I should believe you? Amarachi I asked you to make my lunch but no, you carried your lazy bones out. You won't do anything because you don't know how to do anything outside going on twitter to say rubbish. And if you know what's good for you, go and untag me from that nonsense you tweeted. Animal." He turned and began to move up the stairs.
"Michael how can you be talking to me like this? What happened? I thought you......."
"Save your strength Amara. If I were you, I'll go upstairs before I change my mind. You're lucky Ebere calmed me before you returned, I swear to God, you would have left this house before you drove into this compound. One more thing, you see the two cars outside, they're mine and I don't recall giving you access to any of them, just in case of next time. Do I make myself clear?"
"No Michael. What is wrong with you? So what if Ebere didn't calm you down? You'll beat me up? I'm not Claire and what is this thing going on in this house? Ebere isn't an employee yet she's in this house, as what? Listen Michael, I'm your wife and you'll carry me along in whatever that happens in this house."
To her surprise, Michael broke into a hearty laugh, gradually coming down the stairs.
"You're who's wife? Do you have the qualities of a wife? You can't cook, you don't even look like a wife material, the only thing you know is the act of seduction and I'll give you a plus on that. But to be a wife, you'll have to be like Claire, your sister. And hey, let me burst your bubbles, you're in same status as Ebere in this house. You're not the only one carrying my baby after all."
His words sank in and her eyes widened in shock. She stared from Ebere to Michael and when she couldn't take it anymore, she attacked Ebere, throwing her off guard and dealing her blows. But Michael was fast to separate the two and give Amara an ear deafening slap.
"I don't want to hit you Amara so keep yourself in check. Ebere, where did you transfer your things to?"
Ebere couldn't speak. Tears welled her eyes and she was afraid that if she let them out, her boss/baby papa would hit her.
"Follow me." He said when she didn't respond.
Amara watched from the floor where she had fallen. Her dreams had been shattered and she was loosing already, just two days after the divorce that was supposed to bring them together.
How couldn't she see it? He was a dog, he wasn't created for one woman. He had used her against her sister but she was sure that her own will be worse. She had Ebere in the house, then, the fair model outside the house. She was doomed for life. She cried.*************
"Good morning madam." Chika greeted. "Breakfast is served.""Good morning Chika. What's for breakfast?"
"Moi moi, made with fresh tomatoes and smoked fish." Chika replied excitedly.
"Hmmmm. When did you wake up?"
"Very early madam. You mentioned having a meeting today so I decided to help you be as early as possible."
"Thank you dear. I'll be down in five minutes."
Chika nodded with a smile and left the room.
Claire stood up and went into her bathroom. She cane out after a minute or two and just when she was about going downstairs, her phone rang.

United In Betrayal
عاطفيةHe was the perfect husband until he tasted the forbidden fruit. How many lies does he need to tell in order to cover his tracks and how long will it take for the waters to let loose? And how long will it take a faithful wife to finally give up?