First Day Of School

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I walked into school and was nervous. The skirt I picked was pretty short so when guys were looking at me I was pretty uncomfortable and was pulling my skirt lower. There was this one guy called Bryce that literally pushed me against a locker and tried to get sexual with me. Ew! He looked at me and said how hot I am. I slapped him and said "What the fuck?!". Albert saw me and immediately pushed him away. Albert tried to fight with him. I pulled him back and went "Woah there-". We walked to class together. I sat next to him in class. The teacher was talking to the class but all I was doing was playing with my pencil. There was this girl he hated called Jade. Jade was the classic teacher's pet. Very annoying. I looked at Albert and tapped on his shoulder. I pointed at Jade and said "Damn you guys would be the cutest couple". He said "Shut up!". I went "Make me". He made a fake angry face and said "Hmph!". I said "You look so cute!". He laughed "I hate you". I messed with his hair and said "No you don't!" The bell rang.

Hard To Get - Albert X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now