Princess Fairy Costume

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Hours later school finally ended. I asked Y/N to come over to our house and she said okay. When we arrived at my house, my mom went "Y/N! Baby!". They hugged. My mom loved her. We then went to my room. Y/N was looking around and I went to the kitchen to get snacks. When I came back I saw Y/N in a princess fairy costume that she last wore in 5th grade. "Y/N!" I started laughing. She laughed aswell. "Holy fuck this is so tight!" she said. I was still laughing.
"This is what I'll wear to yours and Jade's wedding!" I laughed. "Shut up!" he said. I started spinning around. I then went to him and booped his nose with the toy wand I was holding. He laughed. I then tripped and fell on the ground and while I was falling I held onto him so he ended up on top of me. I saw how close our faces were and he started to blush like crazy. That's when I realized. He likes me! Well, It's not like I haven't noticed but still! I kissed his nose and he said "Woah-". I laughed and said "Ok come get me off the floor dummy". He picked me up and put me on his bed. "Dummy? Wowwww so nice" he said. "What? Was I supposed to call you my love~" I said. I was laughing while he was blushing. "Anyways, I'm gonna put my normal clothes back on." I said while going to his bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, I jumped on him while he was laying down on his bed. This time I was on top of him. He looked at my face in confusion. "Hi!" I said while looking right at him. He blushed and let me lay down on him. I then fell asleep on him.
"Hey Y/N-" I was just about to say something when I realized SHE FELL ASLEEP ON ME! I kissed her forehead and slept aswell. I woke up to see her gone. I didn't question it because I was still a bit sleepy and opened the door to the bathroom. The moment I opened it I heard squealing and closed the door immediately. At least I didn't see anything. She heard me laughing and yelled "Shut up!" . After that, my mom gave me and Y/N bagels and we walked to school together.

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