The almost story ends

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Like every chapter closes, every stories end whether it's wonderful story or tragic that can make you swear never read it again. Like everyone else here in the planet, has different story. In their chapters they win some or they lose some. And I, where in the middle of the desert got stuck and thirsty as hell.

So imagine behind those closed doors, a pitch black room and a girl crying. She hurts herself just to feel the pain and to know if she's still alive and breathing. The throbbing pain inside her chest was indescribable. she felt there is someone choking her to death. She can't breathe, she's screaming inside her head.

It was terrifying, all she could think of that night, is drink that acid and be gone forever. The girl was crying non-stop, and the pain was getting stronger.
That night, she let darkness engulfed her.

After that horrible night, she is up for another tiring day, ignoring every thing like it didn't happened.

She was devastated, hurt and lost. In her last chapter, it was sunshine and full of different flowers, you can see contentment and fulfillment until a thunderstorm came up destroying her everything. She lost her first love, She lost the courage, And She lost herself. She believed in that chapter that dark grey clouds above her head is following her around wanted her to suffer more. Wherever she goes, the clouds is there, she was hopeless. Hugging her knees, begging the clouds to go away, but it didn't move an inch. It affected her in every way, she was always angry. Stomping her feet, her clothes was drenched cause whenever she mad sad, or even disappointed the clouds above her head kept raining.

'Til that night, she had enough, it'll took few steps from where she was standing to grab that acid. But the bloody clouds made the floor slippery, crawling to get that poison she got interrupted by the sound of thunder. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. That moment, she knew, she can't do anything but to calm herself and think one way around. Then suddenly she had an idea, She goes back to the previous chapter where there was a little girl all alone but happy. She did realized that it was her, not giving a single care about people around her, when her little clothes was full of mud. Despite of everything she went through, the little girl believes that one day the future her will become one happy person.

still have no direction, but she keep moving forward. The clouds still raining, but now she is trying to live with it. All she could do is to look back and reminisce those beautiful memories. People around her noticed her emotionless eyes but she didn't give a damn. She was tired and lost but that little hope gave her a reasons to look foward to new upcoming chapters.

The chapter is almost ending, but she keeps writing her story to unfold another events she perhaps lost today but it'll come back to where it started.

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