2: I Can't Really Wait Up

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a/n: We're switching up the POV's this chapter


I swear to our lord and savior Asahi, by the end of this road trip I will get these two (obvious) gays out of the gosh danged closet!

I've been so bored recently. I remember that about a year ago, my entire focus was confessing my feelings to Daichi. After we got together, I realized that everyone on our volleyball team was gay, like, really really gay.

After I realized that, I went on a mission to pair up the couples of Karasuno. It was so amazing watching the happy couples, and it still is. But... my job was done after they all found happiness.

That is, until I spotted the obvious affections between Aoba Johsai's team captain and their ace. It was pure, true love. Happy, closeted love.

Aoba Johsai's team is bigger than ours, sure, but they still had plenty of seats on their bus. Ours just happened to have two extra seats.

It was perfect.

I knew that Oikawa would jump at the opportunity to annoy our team for a few hours, so I may or may not have made up a little lie. They didn't have to move two players onto our bus, but I figured by the time they figured that out, we'd already be on the road.

I was correct.

Those suckers played right into my hand.

^^^^^ what the Matchmaker imagined in his head ^^^^^

Oh my god, the ace Iwaizumi is sleeping on Oikawa's shoulder!! I have to take a picture of this to show the two of them later (after they get together).


Mmmmmmpf, I needed that nap.

Wait a second... why is my head resting on something hard? What the hell was I sleeping on?

Oh my god.


Oikawa's arm.

Oh shoot, Oikawa's arm is hard as a rock. I had absolutely no idea that his shoulder muscles were this ripped. Not gonna lie... I could get used to sleeping like this, even if it's uncomfortable. As long as I'm near Oikawa... what the hell am I saying?

It's not like I have feelings for him or anything, it's just nice to sleep on your best friend's shoulder.

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm just imagining that I'm sleeping on Oikawa's shoulder. Maybe I'm sleeping against the side of the bus.

Opening one eye, I peer over to my left.

Yep, that's Oikawa. But what the hell is that idiot staring at so fondly? Is it a girl's Instagram? Did he get a girlfriend and not tell me, and he's texting her right now?

Okay Iwa, stop there. Slow down your train of thought.

I follow his gaze, trying to figure out what he's staring at so affectionately. It's gross how happy and loving he looks. I'm not jealous, just curious.

And then I realize what he's staring at, and my face rushes with heat.

His hand, my thigh.

My hand, on his.

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