6 :𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘤𝘦

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    Jimin wakes up early the next morning, feeling extremely comfortable. He peeks his eyes open to find out what caused this and discovers that he has rolled himself in the whole duvet. 

    His eyes travel to Jungkook and his heart races at the sight of him on his back, torso on full display, and sleeping peacefully. Jimin feels the urge to coo at how innocent he looks, and simultaneously drool over how toned his chest and abs are, even when totally relaxed. 

    He eventually realizes that he is staring at the sleeping male like a creep and untangles himself from the duvet. In cautious movements, he puts it back where it originally was, covering Jungkook's body. He feels bad for the other. Considering the snowy weather outside, he must have been cold during the night.

    Jungkook moves slightly, shifting to lay on his side facing Jimin, making the smaller freeze before seeing his still sleeping face, slightly squished against the soft pillow beneath his head.

   Jimin gets a sudden urge to run his fingers through the other male's raven hair, seeing it spreading over the pillow and Jungkook's face in soft waves. Of course Jimin doesn't act on it, and instead turns around to try to fall asleep again.

   The rest of the saturday goes by in a haste. The two families play board games by the fireplace and watch movies together. It all feels like they are becoming one big family to Jimin.

    Sunday, the remediation company comes to start working on getting the ants out, saying that the process will continue for another four to seven days, considering that the ants are in the wall and they have other houses to work on, too.

    After going to church, Hwa-Young suggests that they leave the house for the day to let the company work in peace. They end up going shopping, all six of them.

    "Jungkook, go buy the newspaper, please. And take Jimin with you." Minsuh calls as her and Hwa-Young head to a store with women's clothes.

    "Yes, eomma." Jungkook says.

    Jimin and Jungkook slowly make their way down the street and Jimin tries to bury his face in his scarf.

    "It's so cold." He expresses, shivering. 

    "It is. I love winter, though. It's beautiful and so cozy." Jungkook says with a smile.

    Their breaths emit white smoke as they chat while walking.

    "It is beautiful... but really cold." Jimin chuckles, "Doesn't it-- Wha-!" 

    In the middle of the sentence Jimin slips on a patch of ice hidden under the snow, a small yelp escaping his lips. 
Jungkook is quick to grab his arm, pulling him in to steady his feet. 

    Suddenly, they are very close, the smoke from their breathing mixing between them.

    "Appearently the beauty is slippery, too." Jungkook says silently, eyes trained on Jimin's wide ones.

    Suddenly Jimin is not cold at all, the air around them heating up and feeling almost suffocating. Jungkook's hand is still holding him tightly and their proximity and intense eye contact is making the tension hit a peak.

    Both boys' hearts are racing in sync, and then it happens again. Jungkook's eyes flicker down to Jimin's lips, despite him trying his hardest not to let them. He can't help it.
He can feel all his instincts telling him that this is right. That leaning in and kissing this male in front of him is the right thing for him to do right now.
But, he can't do it. His brain is arguing against his heart, screaming that this is not natural, that it's a sin.

    Jimin is frozen, looking at Jungkook with wide eyes. He has to admit that he wants nothing more than for Jungkook to continue with whatever it is that he is doing. As soon as Jungkook's eyes move back up to lock with Jimin's, the smaller snaps out of the trance. 

   He clears his throat before speaking, his silent voice wavering slightly, "Um... Th-thanks for not letting me, uh, fall." 

    Jungkook blinks and nods, releasing Jimin's arm and moving away from him.

    Jungkook looks like he wants to say something, but instead starts walking again, Jimin mimicking him. 

    That day; that moment, was the first time they started craving something more.
Something to ease the suffocating tension.
Something to soothe their yearning hearts.

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