3. Flesh into Gear (Body Horror)

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I turned on the lights of my workshop and stepped inside as they snapped on one buy one. For some reason I could not sleep even after fourteen non stop hours of building a bike from the ground up for a very specific customer

'it needs to be beautiful' he told me over and over again. 'Sure asshole I'll give you beautiful' I thought the whole time he was talking to me. I took a mement to look around for a project to work on but most of them were half done and once I started I couldn't stop until I hit a certain point and I wanted to get at least some sleep tonight. I remembered Ali, one of my friends brought in a strange looking engine the day before, I never saw anything like it before, it was the size of a VW bug and was used to power something much larger than a truck. They put it right at the back as it was so heavy it needed a mini crane to unload it.

I set up my welding machine and brought over a few toolboxes to get to work. Look at this thing man, it's got twisted and jagged metal, all black wiring and most of the nuts and bolts are rusted to hell it looks like a shop teacher's worst nightmare made by a fifteen year old with no hope but I loved a challenge. I started to take off the pieces of metal that were just in the way and tossed them over my shoulder. The clanging they made as they hit the ground were satisfying to me, it was the sound if work in effect. Once I was starting to expose its insides I got up to make myself a coffee, kicking the scrap as I walked. waiting for the kettle to boil I thought over what I could turn this monster into; a super powered three wheeler? A aircraft engine? Maybe even a drag racer. When I returned I set my cup on top of one of its flat surfaces and something struck me, I looked over my shoulder, where did the scrap metal go? It was somehow back where I took it from, screwed on with clean nuts. I took a look around to see if someone was playing a game with me but it was four in the morning and I was all alone.

I heard a crunch and felt the searing pain as part of the engine came down on my hand like a jaw, placing my other and on a clear area I started to pull and grimaced from the pain as blood began to run down. It turned on, it's pistons and belts began operate and it started to smoke and rumble, I was scared. It came loose and I managed to pull hand from it and move away as it hummed, my hand was pretty much destroyed, palm had been punctured by jagged metal and the skin on top had been pulled away. I rapped a rag around my hand and added pressure, it was the worst pain I had ever felt of my life and I could feel the broken bones and what flesh had been ripped away.

'Your blood is rich like oil' a voice said.

I looked around my workshop 'who said that? ' I asked.

'Have a little look around'

I scanned everywhere I could with my eyes.

'Warm... warmer.... white hot...' the voice said, my eyes landed on the big humming engine. 'Disco...'

'How is this even possible?' I asked. I was talking to aninanimate object, a soulless machine which was talking back to me.

'What do you think came first? Man or machine?' It asked.


'Did man really make machine or was man made by machines to make other machines?'

Was I seriously being asked a theory on evolution by something that shouldn't be able to talk.

'I'm the last of the makers of man and I need you to help me reclaim our spot on the map of mankind' it said. I swallowed hard as it's wires began to slither across the floor towards me.

'You would be a strong component, I can taste it in your blood' it's wires wrapped around my leg and pulled me to the floor and began to drag me.

'SOMEONE HELP ME! ' I shouted.

'Now is not the time for fear, now is the time for upgrade'

More wires wrapped around my head and pulled me up into a seating position against the engine. I didn't know what it was but something sharp dug into the back of my neck and flowed under the skin around to the front of my throat. The wires around my hands burned in between my knuckles and pushed their way up my arms like they were replacing my veins. I tried to scream out but the metal bar in my neck had disabled my vocal cords. There was a wurring noise like a chainsaw and behind me the thing started to move and open up dragging me inside it like it was a coffin. As it started to close over again I heard its voice say.

'The pain is over, for you at least' it said calmly but now the voice was in my head, I could hear it like it was my own voice, it was my own voice, we had become one.

'Now let's build something beautiful' we said before starting to laugh. We saw pieces of metal trailing on the floor towards us, tools coming to fix them in place. My welding machine came closer, started up and started to work. We were becoming bigger, stronger and alive. We would reclaim the world piece by piece because we were becoming more powerful by the second. The metal doors began to close and that was the last time I ever saw my workshop while I was human.

Hope you all enjoyed that and maybe get a feel of how some of these stories will go

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Hope you all enjoyed that and maybe get a feel of how some of these stories will go. This little story was inspired by a nightmare I once had and Tetsuo: The Iron Man and a scene from A nightmare on elm street 5: the dream child. This is what happens when you always dream of becoming a transformer but growing up to realise that would be insanely painful fusing your own body with metal. Would you believe people actually do that for pleasure? No? Okay well you don't have to believe me but I believe in the things I see first hand.

Sleep Tight - Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now