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   Hi, I hope you like the story, it's like my very first time to write so please comment on the story and I hope you all like this book.😘😘🤗🤩

This story is more of an action romance with thrills and mystery, it  
Something I have been
Thinking of for a long
Time. Enjoy xx



Sniper. Not really a name I would give myself but that's what I do and I love it no doubt, i've been shooting heads for as long as I could remember infact it became a habit but don't look at me as a murder. I only killed bastards who families need someone to give them this favour of permanently shutting them up, but I'm no a guardian angel either I would actually prefer being  called a helper sent to save the captives from their heavy loads


"Wha - what", I stummed as I was thrown back to reality. I seemed to loose my concentrate at the worst times and this was literally the worst of all my bad timings, board meeting wasn't really my thing it was more like boring talk of 'what to do' and 'what not to do' it made me loose forcus but now I really looked  stupid as everyone's attention turned to me it was like something important was happening they were all so desperate to hear my reply their eyes as wide as bulbs and their were all taking notes even Elliot was concerned and his job was just to get coffee. I quickly faced my boss as he also stared at me like I said something out of line, after studying them and thinking of what to say I finally said," is there something I missed?"

"Yes", my boss replied pissed off as usual but still keeping a calm attitude."we were discussing about the mission in china."

"And?", I spoke out in my casual cheeky attitude because I never cared about the topic at hand and my boss knew that more then any one so he ignored my attitude.

"It's decided by everyone here that you'll be the one to handle it" he groaned and then moved his view from me to the large number which seem to have second thoughts about his statement and continued talking, " Nicolas you're more than qualified for the job and more skilled, we all know that and so we've choosen you congrats"

Firstly, I was confused on what the hell the mission involved and why i was doing what I needed to do. Secondly, I knew this was another one of my boss's attempts to make me  reach his goals of being the best around. Thirdly, I wasn't going to waste my time trying to shot some random guy on the other side of the world. I wasn't going to do it and i didn't care if my best friend blows a fit he was forcing me into things which was a mistake. I had to let out my views on this but before I could even flinch a muscle, he went on

"No turning back about this, so with these last words I would like to dismiss the meeting thank you."

It was like those were the magic words they were all looking forward to hearing like children responding to the bell after a boring lesson, the all got up and left immediately but not because the meeting was boring. actually everyone was pissed about the mission being handled to me. No one liked me that I didn't need a hint and it's all because unlike them who had to struggle to get into the association I was begged by my ass of a best friend to join in, my boss and best friend had tried to make my ass look good infront of everyone but he knew I never cared about the job. I would gladly accept being fired if they wanted cause what the paid me was pocket change compared to what I would get for just sitting and Facebooking all day at my dad's company, if it wasn't for Kai I would have left this gangster's den long ago.

"What was that?", He said finally showing how pissed he was," you made yourself look like an idiot infront of everyone"

"Hi, I'm suppose to ask the questions", I was tired of Kai making himself the damn Victim

"What questions? Huh?"

"You should have told me about the damn mission before involving me in it "

"I knew you wouldn't accept this chance even if I told you"

"I'm sick of you putting me on every fucking mission that comes around"

"I do this for your lazy ass and this is the thanks I get", he managed to let out between clenched teeth, " you know what, you're a just a bastard."

And with that he picked up his laptop and headed for the exit, I've always knew kai since high school we were popular, the ladies favorite and never used to follow rules I was the rebellious rich kid and he was the bad boy under a good boy mask with family issues. He never got along with his father,but now that his grew up he was more responsible,most of the times over reactive and gets pissed off when it came to my arrogant attitude. I don't blame him being with me was already a loss cause and he seemed to try and be there for me I couldn't let him give up on me after all his done to make me who l am hell no... I picked up my PC ,got up from the seat and followed him. Kai was such an influence you'd just want to die for the guy.


He was in his office working as always,you could barely see the top of his table with all the paperwork he had to deal with. He had so much on his plate and I was making things more fucking hard for the poor guy, but I never asked for help at all so it was his own damn fault and Kai kinda deserved the stress.

"What do you need Scottman?", He asked in the most irritated voice

I knew he was irritated because he referred me by my surname. I was the one who deserved to be pissed off and irritated not him, but in a way I still liked that asshore even if he was so hard to stand, "what's the mission about?"

"I thought you weren't interested in the mission"

"Well now I am"

He chuckled,"you... interested". He opened his laptop and didn't move his view from it for like five minutes, then he faced me again and turned the laptop at my direction."okey, let's say you are."

The look on his face was devilish that I felt like this was a bad idea, but what can I say I'm all about bad ideas and this one was the waste. The information on his laptop was based on the Hong Kong news, it read

Tomorrow live in Hong Kong city centre, president bwa-u-tan of China will appear to give a speech on the upcoming media center that will be built in a month.
He will be answering questions from the public and ......

"So what's this all about exactly?" I finally asked

"This is all about illuminate the president "

That was the most stupid thing I have heard in my entire five years serving this shitty place. The association was probably running out of good reason to continue existing, I always knew this place would reach a dead end but at least in a sensible manner. Planning to attack someone with great power was not as easy as it sounded, and the president of China was not just another person you can kill and move on. He was not an easy target and that's the mission my best friend was dooming me too.

Wow.... What a guy

"I know you think I'm sending you to some suicide mission or worse, but I'm not okay" he announced

"Then what is it? cause this aren't a picnic you're sending me too!" I was so close to blowing up with fury, he was trying make the situation less dense then it was."and you know it"

"Fine, I understand that this isn't going to be easy and that's why I'm in charge of this mission" he noted with emphasis," so I got your back the whole way brother."

"I don't think I can do this"

"Do it for your career, if not do it for all the times I helped you"

He was actually blackmailing me to do this dumb mission, I could say no if I wanted because I never cared about this stupid job. If only I had the balls to say no to the only person who thought of me as more then a spoiled arrogant bastard. Okey while only person in the association

"So..." He continued breaking the silence in the air, "are you in or out scotman?"

I was planning to give him a big no, but I decided on something that I'm sure surprised he,"I'm in"

Nicolas scottmanWhere stories live. Discover now