chapter 10

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"Why are you here Stephanie?"

"I came to see you nic, after I heard you were in prison..I just had to come." She choked out, tears running down her cheek

I wiped them and held her hand. She was tensed and scared, I could feel her shaking. She was stressed because of me, like always.

" Stephanie, it's going to be okey..I promise." I spoke softly trying to calm her down.

She looked at my bruised face and fresh tears poured down. "How can it be nic, look at what those monsters did to you." She covered her face with her hands."I can't nic, it's too much."

"Love look at me okey. You need to be strong, for the both of us_"

"I can't.. i-i can't. Please." She stuttered. I looked over to the visiting room entrance, as Ted walked towards us.

" Love, Listern to me okey, I'm fine."

"Stephanie dear we're leaving now." Ted looked at me. "Come on sweet heart, mom's waiting in the car."

"No dad, i want to stay a little lon _"

"It's okay love go with him.. your need to rest, I'll be more careful.. okay." I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead

"Let's go honey." Ted whispered lifting his daughter off the chair and grabbing her bag."come on"

"I love you.." she spoke, which sounded like a whisper. And she left, heart broken as usual.

Love you too.

My phone vibrated on the nightstand, I opened one eye and read the caller ID. Who would call me at this hour. I was so tired after last night, I wanted to sleep a little longer. I pressed my phone to my ear." Hello "

"Now you answer my calls huh?."

"Dad. What do you want, it's 6am."I raised my head a little.

"I'm checking up on you." He answered. He had to be fucking kidding me.

"Dad, I'm not a toddler at a sleepover or something." I said pissed off.

"Nothing is wrong with me asking about you. You were just released yesterday."

I sighed, this was annoying."yes, that's why I need peace and quiet.. not a wake up call at 6 in the morning. So please dad let me sleep." I cut the call and placed the phone back. I wasn't in the mood for his dramatic daddy's day care act.

The phone rang over and over again. I wasn't going to answer him, I'm sure he'll give up at the fifth ignored call. I placed my head on my pillow and closed my eyes again, waiting for the night mare to end. After a while it stopped, but then carried on. I couldn't take it anymore, I'm going to move the damn battery.

I sat up and picked it again. Really, I came out of one hell for another. He was getting on my nerves, I had to shut him up before it became an every day routine.

"What?" I yelled, after pressing the the phone to my ear.

"Dude calm down, it's Martin." He said defensively. "Woke up in a bad mood huh?"

"What is it?" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"My man has a lead on Kai's where about." He spoke. That was fast, but what can I say it's Martin. He was a pro at this things."Martin come back to bed."

"Who's that.. where the hell are you.?"

"While some asshole left me drunk and didn't take me home..then this gorgeous lady helped me and took me to her place for the night. And I loved it." He grinned. "Oh, her name's Amanda."


"Pussy.." he replied. He was such a womaniser, he was good at getting girls to open their legs for him. Back at high school, girls would follow him around like flys. And end up heart broken, he would act like nothing happened. He was only in it for what was under, between their legs." Anyway, his Bruno. Meet him at the mall at 9am, good enough time to get your dinner dress ironed."

"Fuck you, asshole."

"Ha ha.. I need to go and give my baby the moment she's been craving for. My di_"

"Gross man bye.." I cut immediately, I wasn't going I the mood to hear that crap.

I had to get going, this was my time. I was finally getting my plans in check. I was getting near to end Kai's existence.

I placed my phone back on the nightstand. This wasn't just my revenge, it was for Stephanie. For us. For all the time we lost being apart. All the tears she shed that day and every other time. I got up and headed for the bathroom, better be early.


I arrived at the mall. I was suppose to meet Bruno at the restaurant which was nearest to the main entrance. I walked in the restaurant and looked around. I saw a young man waving at me and knew it was him. He was at the back and wore a black hoodie, he had messy dark hair and black eyes. his eyes had bags around them, like he hadn't slept for a while. He had his hands in his pocket. This guy looked like he was high in drugs. I took the sit next to him and he leant a little nearer, like our conversation could be recorded if not careful.

"Bruno's the name." He whispered, after a while."heard you looking for someone."

"And so?" I asked uninterested in his speech.

"I got some info." He placed an envelope from his pocket

I opened it and pulled out the photos inside. I viewed them one after the other and it was the same person, but in different places.

What the fuck?

"What is this supposed to be?" I hissed out. Those pictures were useless, there weren't even pictures of a guy but a woman. She had dark hair and blue eyes, each picture was taken at different events.

He flinched in shock and looked around before facing me again."Calm down man, listen okey.. she's the key to you problem"

"Why.." I calmed down a bit and listened to where he was going with this.

"She knows everything about Kai. She works for him, but recently." He stopped as a man passed our table and came back."she's no longer under his control you see."

I wasn't sure where he was going with this whole thing. So what if she wasn't working for him. She would rather die than betray her boss to protect herself. It's not helping me know where that son of a whore was, this was wasting my time more. Martin was messing with me or something. This guy was obviously a teenager who needed some money to satisfy his needs, through any means.

"And she's wanted die by him." He grinned."she has some information, locked somewhere about his where about, his connections and his supporters."

This was interesting, Kai had connections and supporters. who helped his every plot against me. This woman knew them and apparently running for her life now, so she was disparate. She could do anything to survive, to escape from him. This was valuable information, good job Martin. He gave me a bonus, to what I needed.

"She was recently seen last night at a neighborhood hotel." He continued. He pushed a picture of her. She was Carrying a suit case and a hoodie over her head." So did I do a good job?"

I looked at the picture and back at him. He now had a grimaced look on his face. This was good, worth my time actually. I picked up all the pictures and placed them back in the envelope. I had something else to do at the mall.

He stared at me like he was waiting for something. I placed my hand in my back pocket and moved some money, which was rolled and tied with a rubber band. I threw it to him and he caught it, shoved it in his hoodie's pocket. I stood up and left the place. I had to buy a present for someone special, someone important. It was an important day to me. To her.

her birthday.

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