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"I can't believe you dragged me here," I groaned. Ana decided that if we're going to match outfits for the dance we have to buy them together. She also wants to dye her hair today. 

"You love shopping, stop complaining!" Ana laughs as we walk into the mall. 

"Ya, okay." I sigh and look around. "I think the dress shops are down that hallway." I point and Ana nods. She grabs my hand and starts speed walking down the hall. 

After a few minutes of searching, we find the store we're looking for. 

"Flynn! Look." Ana runs into the store without telling me she was so excited about. 

"Wait up." I jog into the store and find her staring at a maroon dress. "You gonna try it on?" I ask as she looks at the size. 

"Yep! Wait outside the changeroom." She takes the dress and goes to talk to the lady managing the changerooms. I walk over to the couch that's next to a mirror wall. On the floor in front of the mirror is a small pedestal, I'm assuming it's so the person wearing the dress can see their entire body. 

"Uh, Flynn. I don't know if I can wear this..." Ana seems hesitant. 

"Why not? It didn't look that revealing." I sit up straight, worried. 

"No, it's not that, I just... nevermind." The door to the changeroom starts to open and I hold it shut. 

"Ana, if you're not comfortable don't wear the dress." I hear her sigh on the other side of the door. 

"No. I can do this." backing away from the door it opens and my jaw drops. 


My face is on fire. This dress is way too pretty for me to wear. I mean I wear sweatpants every chance I get. I feel like someone else wearing this. 

The dress is dark red, the bodice has lace designs that look like vines climbing up my chest. The sleeves are sheer and fall down past my hands. And the skirt ends at my knees with lighter red gems falling off like a waterfall. 

Slowly I peek up from under my hair and see Flynn's face. He's beet red and staring at me in awe. 

"Ana," he starts shaking his head, "The dress looks amazing on you." He smiles. I feel my face heat up even more. 

"Then I'll get it." I spit out and spin back into the changeroom. Closing the door I lean back against the door and take a breath in. I cannot believe I just did that. Pulling the dress off I throw on my normal clothes and the orange jacket Flynn gave me a few weeks ago. After the storm settled down he told me to keep it and I wouldn't take no for an answer. Pulling it on I run my finger over the design on the top left of the jacket. It's a mouth with black angel wings and a sword. Grabbing the dress I put it back on the hanger and open the door. Flynn is sitting on the couch again and stands when he sees me. 

"You sure you want that dress?" He asks, probably concerned about my fast exit. 

"Yep! I like it. And now we don't have to go through a bunch of stores looking for one. Your tie is next. Since you already have the basic suit." I don't add my hair dye because I'm still nervous about it. What if I look terrible with red bangs? 

"Okay." He smiles. I pay for the dress, with my dads money, and we leave. After finding a tie the same colour as my dress I'm standing in front of the hairdresser terrified. 

"You're going to look fine Anastasia. Don't worry, you can always dye it back." Flynn grabs my hand and pulls me into the hairdresser. I tell the lady my name and that I have an appointment so before I know it I'm sitting in a chair with a smiling, blond, lady I swear I've seen before. She starts asking me random questions and I mindlessly answer them my mind somewhere else. 

The idea has been floating through my head for months now and I've been too afraid to think about it. I've already accepted I like Flynn. I mean I like like him. And the perfect time to tell him would be at the Graduation right? I mean everyone is dressed up and having fun. 

"So, I don't want to pry. But are you and the cute boy you came with dating?" I freeze at the question the hairdresser asks. 

"Oh, no. We're just friends." 

"Do you want to date him?" I feel my face heat up and slowly nod my head. Thank god Flynn left to go see if they had a good icecream shop here. "Well, he seems really nice. Ask him while you can." What does she mean by that? While I still can? 


Oops. I slipped up. Don't let anyone know your planning on mass murder. Anastasia Himura, that's the girl sitting in front of me. She's also going to be the only one left alive. I decided on that when I first saw her at the hospital. I can feel the power inside her. Obviously she doesn't know about it, so I'm going to force it to come out. What fate does with her then isn't my problem. 

You know she reminds me of the lady on the wall. 

What wall?

The one inside the castle. You know the big one with the firsts on it. 

Ohh, I know who you're talking about, the girl in the corner. 

Ya, the one that died first. 

That's terrifying. 

Why would you mention that! 


Shut up. I don't care that she looks like a dead person. Lots of people look like dead people. 

Someone's grumpy. 

I hold in a sigh and finish doing the vampire's hair. She looks in the mirror smiles and walks out of the store. 

I don't even mention that I'm leaving and walk out of the store after her. I have some planning to do. 

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