Chapter 7

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Sophia's POV

All I could do was stare. I couldn't do anything else. She looked like she was brushed by an angel, practically glowing right in front of me. Aside from her beauty, there was another thing that left me staring. I didn't know what to say.

I've never talked with anyone other than my parents and Sparky, and now they are all gone. My heart felt that familiar ache once more, loneliness creeping into my veins. My parents are dead. I watched them die. Every terrifying aspect of their death ingrained into my memory.

I didn't realize I was crying until two soft hands cupped my cheeks and wiped away the fallen tears. I tense up at the touch, having never been touched by anyone other than my parents. The hands forced my lowered head up to meet the owner's gaze. Gray locked onto hazel and my body immediately relaxed in her hold.

A small smile appears on her face, although it's pained. The smile doesn't quite reach her eyes, a soulful sorrow encased in their gray. The gray was more like an overcast sky than the shining moon.

It's almost as if she felt my pain. As if she could feel the inner torment happening at this very moment. The memory of my mom's scream piercing my head. The shakiness of her voice as she told me to close my eyes, not wanting me to see what was about to happen. But I saw. I saw it all.

I guess I now know what my parents were trying to hide from me. This pain. This excruciating pain that claws at your heart until you can't breathe. Maybe that's why they had hid me away, not letting me venture out of our safe home.

As if sensing my thoughts, the girl, who I assumed was Rowan, looks me in the eyes once more and says with complete honesty, "It won't be like this forever. You will feel something other than the pain you are feeling right now. You will make memories, share jokes, and maybe even find the one person who was made for you. All of this will happen, and it won't hurt as much anymore."

Her speech just made more tears fall. I can't imagine making memories without them in it. But if only for the sake of the girl in front of me, who believes every word she said, I ask with a sliver of hope in my voice, "Promise?"

"I promise, love."

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