Chapter 19

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Sophia's POV

The drive back to what I learned is the pack house is full of questions and answers.

"So everyone you live with are doggies?" It's much easier to keep calling them that because it is what I know and understand the best.

Rowan chuckles at my wording, before saying, "Yes everyone I live with are werewolves. Some of my pack have human mates, but they live in their own houses."

"Your pack?" Is she the top dog?

"Oh... I might have forgotten to mention that I'm the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack." She notices my confused face, so she explains further, "The Alpha is the leader and takes care of the pack."

I nod, understanding now. "So you are the top dog?" I ask innocently, smiling at the thought of her being powerful.

She laughs again, which is music to my ears. "Yes, I guess I am. I'm bigger than the rest of the pack in my wolf form."

Humming, I look out the window, having no more questions. I notice we are surrounded by trees, just like the night when our car crashed. Bad thoughts flood my mind, and I try to push them away by focusing on my hand that is in Rowan's. Her hand is so warm, the heat and tingles flowing up my arm, keeping my memories at bay.

We go deeper into the woods, until we reach the pack house. Hopping out of the car, I rush over to Rowan's side and grab her hand, never wanting to be away from her again.

She smiles at me sadly, before we walk in the door of my new home. I spot Rowan's parents, and speed walk over to them, practically dragging Rowan behind me.

"Hello Sophia! How are you?" Rowan's mom asks politely.

"I'm doing great! I just learned that Sparky and Rowan are the same person and I'm living in a house full of doggies!" I finally stop talking to take a breath, not having paused in my sentence from the excitement.

Rowan's parents look shocked but amused. "So she finally told you?" Rowan's dad asks with a smile.

"Yes, I did. You guys can talk later, we have an appointment with Doctor Maxine in five minutes." Rowan tugs on my hand and leads me to the pack hospital. I wave at her parents quickly, before being pulled out of the room. I don't want to go back in case the doctor gives me shots, but I know that going is for the best. Plus, going would make Rowan happy and I always love to do that.

After greeting Doctor Maxine, we walk into the same room I was in last time. She gestures for me to sit on the bed, so I do, swinging my feet from the height, them not quite touching the floor.

"We wanted to ask you what you think about trying something called 'exposure therapy.' It would help with your anxiety and introduce you to new places." Doctor Maxine looks over to Rowan before saying, "Rowan can stay with you the whole time, we just want you to experience what you haven't before."

I nod, agreeing to the idea. It sounds like it would be beneficial for me to try this out, and Rowan seems to agree with the doctor. If Rowan thinks it's a good idea, I trust her enough to go with it.

Rowan sends me a smile, before bringing up the next topic of our meeting. "I'm worried about how Sophia can't be left alone. Everytime I leave, her memories come back full force and hurt her. Is there any way we can prevent this from happening?"

Doctor Maxine takes in the question before sighing. "It seems that the mate bond either distracts or protects Sophia from experiencing those memories, and the only option is to wait and hope her mind grows out of the terrified state it is in now. Until then, I wouldn't leave her for extended periods of time, because the memories will take a toll on her mental health."

Rowan nods before looking at me. She walks over and holds my hand, whispering, "We will get through this."

She seems so sure of her statement, so I believe her.

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