trust / untrust

94 19 3

in your fights with your mother, she's correct sometimes.

it's hard to tell. as a kid, you were illogical. fighting for some warped kind of freedom that you knew you wouldn't get. she wanted to protect you, you'll realize as you grow. she didnt know how, but she wanted to protect you.

she did it

for your own


did she?

didn't she?

in your fights with your mother, she's wrong sometimes.

you can't count on both your hands how many times she's told you you're unworthy of trust. you deserve it, you lied to her when she asked you if you were studying. you were not, you said yes anyway. she came in to check, and it was your own fault if you got caught. untrustworthy selfish brat. what we've given you is something no one your age gets, and even then you want to argue?

you dont, you just dont like studying. in those fights, you make excuses.

no i was just- no i thought i could- i was only- two minutes ago-


you are a terrible despicable liar.

you always have been.

she tells you you are undeserving of trust. that isnt the first time she catches you. she is not wrong.

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