Education in emergency situations

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There are only a few months left to end this year 2020 and my life hasn't returned to normal. In fact it's been a considerable time since we started facing this pandemic, so this is being my new way of life: staying at home. Here in Brazil we still need to keep in quarantine because until today there are many cases of people infected by Coronavirus in the country. 

Since March this year I haven't taken classes at the university, so we're taking classes and studying from a distance, by remote teaching, each one in their home. And it's  being a different experience for me because I've never studied that way before. 

At the beginning of this remote teaching I was having many difficulties with it and I remain having some. I confess that I really prefer to study at university than at home. There I can concentrate more than at home because I don't have the comfort of my house where I can distract me often using my mobile or listening to music for example. And also of course at home I don't have such a close interection with my teachers and colleagues which certainly contributes to learning, specially when it comes to language learning and related subjects. I also miss my routine going to university monday to friday. Here at home, I can't breathe "new airs" and it looks like I'm stuck. In addition, I have to help tidy up the house because being longer at home there's always something to clean, wash, etc. But my parents are having to work outside in this quarantine and I like to be able to help them doing these duties. And not that I don't have enough time to do all my duties. I have time enough, but I need to better  organize my time and have more discipline for it. But this is a time of adaptation, so I'm trying to be patient to myself.

However I'm glad for having the opportunity to take online classes. It's really great that we have the Internet as a tool to help us study and also keep in a way our contact to the world. But for those who were not accustomed to remote study it's necessary an adaptation, which isn't easy as I said earlier. 

Thinking about that, I also have to think that me, as a future teacher, need prepare myself for emergency situations like this pandemic moment. At times like this teacher need organize themselves in a new way, starting to use new teaching strategies and methods. The remote studies and activities should be accessible to students, then, this must be done through the use of websites and online platforms which all students can access. The topics involved by the activities must catch the attention of students, so even those who present have difficulty studying remotely can feel interested in it. And something that is very important: it's necessary not to let teaching and learning become wearing and boring, then, it's good for the teachers to decide with their class how they (students and professors) prefer the classes to be, for example. Besides that, activities should be varied and creative as possible. 

Watching my teachers' work I want to be inspired to be the teacher like the ones I admire and who I would like to have. I've noticed that it's not easy but I believe I can do my best. Then, I hope we'll not live such a difficult time like this in the future, however I want to be prepared to exercise the teaching profession well if that happens. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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