Jus in Bello

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At the Police Station, Henriksen talks to the police and Melvin says " So did you get them?" Henriksen asks "Where is everyone? I asked for all your men." Melvin says " And you got them, They want with you on the raid." Henriksen says "Four men? That's all?" Melvin says "Everyone I could drum up with an hour's notice. We're a small town, Agent Henriksen." Henriksen walks towards the holding cells,  He sees a man sleeping in the first one and asks "What's he in for?" Phil says "Drunk and disorderly." Henriksen says "Keys, Phil and Melvin look at Henriksen in disbelief "Now." Phil reaches for the key in his pocket and gives it to Henriksen and Melvin asks "What are you doing?" 

Henriksen Opens the cell and taps the sleeping man on the back and says " It is your lucky night, sir. You are free to go." Melvin asks "What the hell are you doing?" Henriksen Lifts up the man "This way." Takes the man out of the cell and gives him to Phil and Melvin says "Agent Henriksen, you can't just release my prisoners." Henriksen walks away "Agent Henriksen." Henriksen says "Look, I get it... you're Mayberry P.D." Melvin says "Excuse me?" Henriksen says " And this isn't how I'd do it if I had my choice. But a tip's a tip and we had to move fast." Walks back to the office and Melvin says "Look, Agent, this ain't my first rodeo." Henriksen says "You've never been to a rodeo like this before. You have any idea who we're about to bring in here?" Melvin says "Yeah, a couple of fugitives." 

Henriksen says "The most dangerous criminals you've ever laid your eyeballs on, Think Hannibal Lecter, his girlfriend and his half-wit little brother Do you know what these guys do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate corpses, They're not just killers, Sheriff and they're Satan-worshipping, nutbag killers." Nancy, the secretary, is silently listening to Henriksen and she holds the cross pendant she wears around her neck and Henriksen says "So work with me here, I'll get them out your hair and on their way to Supermax and you'll be home in enough time to watch the farm report." Melvin nods " However we can help." Henriksen gets closer and says " Those men of yours... post them at the exits." 

Henriksen says on the walkie talkie "Reidy?" Reidy V.O says "Yeah, Vic?" Henriksen says " Bring them in. Nancy looks at Henriksen "I guess we're ready as we're gonna be." Door opens, Sarah in her own shackles whilst  Sam and Dean are led in, shackled together by a chain and guarded by two officers and Dean asks "Why all the sourpusses?" Smiles, Sam looks at the nameplate on Nancy's desk  which reads "NANCY FITZGERALD, Secretary". Nancy looks afraid and grabs her rosary and Reidy says "I'll show you to the cells." Reidy grabs Dean's arm and Dean says "Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise!" Nancy's eyes  follow them, scared Dean says "We're not the ones you should be scared of, Nancy." Nancy  looks at her rosary and holds it.

Sarah, Sam and Dean are brought to their cell,  The police leave them alone. Sarah sat on the bed whilst  Dean head for the bed whilst Sam heads for the door The two of them almost fall because of the chain and Sam says "Dean come on!" Dean says "All right, all right. Sit?" Sam says "Yeah." They awkwardly walk around each other and end up sitting on the bed and Sarah asks "How we gonna Houdini out of this one?" 

Sam says " Good question." In the Office Henriksen makes a phone call and loosens his bullet-proof vest and says "It's me,Steven in? pause "Well get him out of the meeting." Henriksen  looks at Melvin  who watches him an FBI Agent says "Wanted posters for Dean,Sarah and Sam wanted posters are hanging in the wall." Steven says "Groves." Henriksen says "I've got them." Steven says " Well, I'll be damned. He opens his Winchester/Moore case file " I was betting on your headstone reading "Couldn't catch the Winchester boys and Moore." 


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