I Don't Hate You

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Serayah pov

It's been really crazy between me and we are arguing about everything. Like I just can't take this anymore I don't know what to do this anymore I'm tired of arguing with my favorite person in the world. So today I'm going to talk to my mom about all of this and see what she has to say.

S: hey mommy

Ka: hi ladybug

S: you haven't called me that in a long time

Ka: I know..how's everything down there

S: uhhh good

Ka: ok so what really happened

S: me and bry are at again it's like for the past couple of days we've argued more than we've ever have

Ka: I'm just gone get straight to the point do you like him more than a friend

S: mom what I don't like him more than a friend

Ka: so why haven't you spoken to him yet about the situation? Why are you so jealous at the fact that he has a girlfriend or he's going on dates?

S: because...because...(takes a long pause) your right mom I do love him more than a friend

Ka: I didn't say love

S: yes you did

Ka: no I didn't...wait do you love him more than a friend

S: do I ( asking herself)

Bryshere pov

What my mom asked me and few days ago has been stuck in my head about me being in love with ray


Ke: so this leads me to my next question do you love her

B: of course I do she's my bestfriend

Ke: no not like that...do you love her...more than a friend

B: I...I...I don't know... I have to sleep on this figure this out

Ke: ok but I'm going to tell you what I think...I think that you've always felt this love for her it's always been there and you are now just realizing it because you've never had another guy in rays life so you feel the competition you realize that your the only guy in her life anymore or your not always going to be the only guy in her life forever. I think you should really try to sit down with her and tell her how you really feel and don't hold anything back cause it's not going to be healthy.

B: but mom I tried to but i feel like she just hates me

Ke: baby she doesn't hate you she could never hate you

B: then why does it feel like that why does it feel like the person that I care about more than anything wish I was dead

Ke: hey let me tell you something ray would never want that ok that is something none of us want so don't ever think that do you understand me don't ever in your life that ok you and ray need to talk this out cause I don't want to hear you or ray talking like this ever do you understand me

B: yeah mom I understand I didn't mean to scare you

Ke: I know baby I just need you and ray to talk this out cause I don't like my babies like this

B: I know

Ke: well I have to go I love you I'll talk to you later ok

B: ok I love you too you have a nice day as well

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