Mistake Or Not

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Serayah pov

We were an inched from one another til something came over me and I just kissed him. Not knowing if it was the right thing to do I pulled away and looked him he looked at me back and smashed his lips into mine.

B: wait do you want to do this

S: yea..do you want to do this

B: yea (smashing his lips into hers)

S: mmmm

We kissed for a good thirty minutes until we anted today get out the sand. So we headed back to the car

B: so where you going

S: is your mom home

B: no late night

S: ok good your place

B: ok (biting his lip)

40 minutes later

After an 40 minute drive we finally made it back to his house and as soon as we got out the car he opened the house door and we were at it again.

I couldn't think of anything else but how juicy his lips are and how me and my bestfriend are literally bout suck our lips off our faces.

Bryshere pov

Kissing ray my belle was something I have thought of before but never thought I would get the chance to do because we are bestfriends and now that I am I never want to stop.

As were kissing I moved my hand lower down her back but I stoped close to her ass

S: mmm...kiss... why...kiss... you...kiss...stopped...kiss... there (kissing him)

B: I didn't know if you wanted me to keep going

S: yea I do

B: ok then (kissing her again)

One hour later

After an of kissing and touching one another we were laying down she was laying on my chest and I held her as she went to sleep

S: night

B: night

I honestly don't know what this is that I'm feeling but I like it. I've never felt like this with other girl I've always liked them and then we ended up just not getting together or we have but then just breaking up. I have no idea what I'm feeling is just in the moment or this is what I've always felt and now I'm just realizing it.

Next day

Serayah pov

I woke up next to dimples in his arms then I remembered what happened last night and jumped out of the bed.

B: well good morning to you too

S: bry what did we do last night

B: besides kiss and cuddle nothing

S: Bryshere I have a boyfriend someone that is your friend someone I really like

B: ok I'm confused you were kissing me all last night without a thought in the world about Dominic and now all of a sudden he's all you can think about

S: look this was a mistake

B: oh now it's a mistake

S: Bryshere this was never supposed to happen ok i should of never let you kiss me

B: me kiss serayah you kisses me what the hell are you talking about

S: were not going to mention this to anyone ever

B: I can't believe you

S: you can't believe me why's that

B: all last night you could of told me that you wanted to stop you could of told me that you didn't want this but you didn't you didn't Dominic not one time and now all of a sudden he's someone that can't stop thinking about

S: Bryshere we went to dinner and that's all it should if been dinner but no you had to take me the beach you had to kiss me you just had to bring me to your house and let me spend the night I have a boyfriend and I was over at some other guys house kissing him

B: now I'm just some other guy now all of a sudden I convinced you to do all of this stuff and it's all of my fault you got some damn nerves to something like that. you know what leave

S: so you kicking me out now

B: serayah I don't get you I really don't it's like when it comes to Dominic you forget everything that ever happened between us you forget what we are to one another it's like every memory and moment is just drained from your brain and I'm so sick of it this is the third time you've done something like this and I'm not letting it happen again you go enjoy life with your boyfriend but just know whatever we've ever had is gone

S: you don't mean that

B: I mean ever word

S: you want to forget about me then fine but don't come running back to me later on

B: I sure won't now get out my house

S: I'll be glad too (walking out his room)

B: I hope Dominic chest on you again

S: fuck you,you giving bastard

B: I ain't the only one

I just scoffed and left the house.

Once I left I got a call from Dominic someone I was not ready to face

D: hey did I leave my watch at your house

S: Um I don't know I'll and let you know

D: ok how was Olive Garden

S: it was good

D: what else y'all do after that

S: we walked on the beach and then I went home (knowing damn well her night was amazing)

D: ok I'm glad you had a good time

S: yea how about you how was your night

D: umm it was good

?: baby come eat

S: who's that

D: oh that's just my mother she made me breakfast (lying hard as hell)

S: oh ok (not sure to believe him)

D: well I'll talk to you later

S: ok bye (hanging up)

After talking to Dominic all I can think about was bry and his words "I hope Dominic cheats on you again" and so much more but mostly the night we had and conversation this morning. Some part of me keep saying it was a mistake but the other part most of me felt like it was the right thing to do.

So y'all I was thinking about this story lately and I've decided that I'm going to get this whole Dominic Bryshere and Serayah situation out the way because I feel like if I get this out the way then the other stuff that I have planned it won't get in the way of it. But anyways tell me how the story was and I hope y'all like it❤️

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