What If They Don't Feel The Same

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Serayah pov





S: stop stop stop (crying) please stop hurting him please

?: I told you i would come for someone that you love if you didn't do what I told you to

S: please stop

?: five o'clock you better be there (walking away)

I ran over to bry who was bleeding from his leg and his side and his stomach

S: bry look at me ok your going to be ok

B: ray there's something I need to tell you

S: ssh don't talk everything is going to be just fine

B: ray please just listen I've always loved the person you are I never regret meeting you in the office on our first day of a new school every moment with you is the best I wouldn't ask for a better bestfriend a better person to love I love you ray more than anything and I'm so glad I was able to be in your life

S: bry don't do this to me

B: I love you

S: (cry's) I love you too I love you so much

B: bye ray

S: bry...bry...dimples...dimples!!!! (Starts to move)

B: ray wake up

S: wait what... bry oh my god your ok (hugging him)

B: yeah I'm fine....you were screaming in your sleep

S: sleep...oh yea (everything starts to come back to her)

B: why were you screaming

S: nothing just a nightmare

B: you always have nightmares but you never scream in your sleep

S: look just go back to sleep it was just a nightmare

B: you know what ray I'm so sick of this ok I'm trying here I'm trying to at least get to a point in our relationship were we can at least talk to each other when somethings wrong

S: you took that away from me

B: what are you talking about

S: when you said you didn't want to be bestfriends anymore you took that from me so us talking is never going to happen

B: ray so you don't ever want to talk about this

S: what is there to talk about

B: wow you are so stubborn and I'm tiered of it

S: what do you Bryshere Gray possibly have to say to me

B: I...you know what I'm going downstairs

Once he walked out I wonder what he was going to say why I had that dream and if in the dream did any of it meant anything.

Bryshere pov

I should of told her what I was feeling it's just I'm not putting my feeling out there if she don't feel the same way. I went downstairs to the kitchen to think.

J: I guess you couldn't sleep either

B: yea I couldn't

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