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Hey guys. I know I've been slacking when it comes to my updates. But here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy it!


Victoria's P.O.V

I sat there, staring at them. How can they even involve themselves with such foul nasty things!?

The Cullens. A lot of other vampires may know them as the Olympic Coven. They are the second largest 'most-gifted' coven known to vampires. The Volturi are practically royalty, no one dares to mess with Aro and his two minions, Jane and Alex. I shuddered just at the thought of the duo.

The Cullens were strange. They didn't really act like a coven, more like a family. Esme and Carlisle took the role of being the 'parents', Carlisle was the oldest anyway. 

Edward was the second oldest in the coven, but took the role of a son and brother and now a mate to a human, Isabella Swan. The power to read minds made him dangerous for me because I could slip up around him and then all would be revealed and our plan to hunt down the mutts would fail. But that blood of that little human smelt so sweet and mouthwatering! How can he not fall for a blood as sweet as hers?! Yum!

Then there was Alice and Jasper. Deary Alice Cullen had the ability to see the future, but luckily enough for me, I know that it's only subjective! I could confuse her and mess around with her so much! I'm definitely going to give her plenty of things to worry about other than those dumb mutts! Then there was her Southern mate, Jasper Hale. Jasper was an empath. His ability to control, feel and manipulate others emotions around him made him a very hard person to get around in all this mess. There is no way his power can be tempered and messed with like his mates power.

Lastly, we have the 'golden couple' Rosalie and Emmett. They looked like a typical High School couple. Emmett Cullen was huge and intimidated everyone, his power was extra strength. Although a lot of vampires are strong, it has been proven to be useful at times. Then there is his useless mate, Rosalie Hale who was beautiful. Her beauty was the kind that even made vampires jealous.

They were all so strange. Their diet being completely different from most vampires. Their practice is totally unheard of! Feeding off of only animals just to feel more human. Who would want to be human!? Instead of their eyes being a blood red colour, that most vampires have, they have a strange topaz colour instead. That way, they can fit in with the humans more. Ugh! They're crazy!

I sat there and watched them from afar. Silently listening to their conversations. Those two stupid mutts! Ben McKay and Louis Tomlinson were both at the top of the most wanted dead list. Ben thinking he can get away from my mate and that other mutt, Louis, that he seems to care about deeply.

If I were them, I wouldn't know how to live with myself knowing that I'm one of them. I shivered at the mere thought of being a mutt for a day.

Then, the one and only Isabella Swan walked into the room. Many boys, a few girls, stared at her as she made her way to her mate, Edward Cullen. She was the distraction. I was going to attack her so that the entire Cullen family's attention would be on me and protecting Bella whilst my own mate, James, would go behind their backs and hunt down each and every one of those god damn mutts. I had a little help from an old friend though. Laurent DaRevin. We were both going to threaten Isabella when she was alone. Then, little Miss Swan is going to go and cry to her mate, or Alice Cullen will get a vision. Either way, all of the focus will go onto making sure that Isabella is fully protected, therefore taking all the attention off of the mutts and James, my mate. I knew this was going to work, it just had to.

I sat there, silently as I waited for Laurent to enter the room so we could discuss our plans together. I couldn't wait to see those mutts dead on the floor, where they belong!

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