1. The Old Wives Tale

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A/N: Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy!
P.s. Y/H/N is your house name :)
P.p.s. Your best friend will be an original character so it doesn't affect your house being in the story, it works best if you aren't a Slytherin though

The legend went that at the end of the first week of school, every forty years, the Slytherin prince and the Y/H/N princess would fall in love. You had always thought it was a super vague story but as the end of the week approached you couldn't help but worry about how many people had reminded you of it.

It was painfully obvious to anyone that Draco Malfoy was the Slytherin prince, he viewed himself as royalty and was idolised by almost the whole house. All the girls wanted him and all the boys wanted to be him, all the while everyone was scared of him, classic isn't it? a cliche even.

You on the other hand, didn't know why you were considered the Y/H/N princess. Your best friend, Georgia Marchbanks (a fellow Y/H/N) would always tell you it was because everyone thought you were pretty and kind and practically the figurehead for your house. You didn't believe her but you supposed it was nice to hear. You didn't see what your house seemed to see in you.

Sat at the table in the Great Hall with Georgia, everyone was swarming around you. They were all asking you about Draco and whether you thought you were going to fall in love with him. The questions kept coming and coming, your only comfort being the sympathetic smile on Georgia's face.

You glanced over to where Draco was sitting and saw he was also being swarmed. He looked much more annoyed than you did and was being much more hostile to the people asking the questions. You supposed that Draco was actually decently handsome, if only he wasn't such a smarmy git. He caught you staring at him and scowled. You exchanged a look with Georgia and you both rolled your eyes at him.

"Ok that's enough can you all just clear off," Georgia pleaded exasperatedly, flailing her arms. She wasn't as tolerant as you were either, but that's why she was the perfect friend to you. The crowd around you grumbled, annoyed at having received no answers to their questions but they all walked off slowly. Georgia sighed in relief and slumped in her chair, relaxing.

"Thanks Georgie," you chuckled. She smiled back at you but raised an eyebrow when she realised you were still looking at Draco.
"Don't look at me like that," you groaned. "Do you really think I'm gonna fall in love with him?" you mimed gagging as you finished your sentence. Georgia mimicked your fake gagging with a giggle.

"I don't know I mean, you're the one that told me it was complete rubbish and just a myth," she said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah but now everyone's talking about it all the time and... we're literally witches so who knows what's possible," you rubbed your temples and sighed. She shrugged in response and stole a potato off your dinner plate. Oh right, food, you thought to yourself. You hadn't remembered to eat in all the commotion of people trying to interrogate you.

You kept looking over at Draco against your own will. People were still pestering him but he had decided to ignore them at this point. Fair play, you thought, what else are you really meant to do? You watched as he ate his apple and read his potions revision book. You could tell he was trying very hard to ignore the people around him. Honestly, he looked pretty attractive, deep in thought like that.

Suddenly his eyes flicked up and he met your gaze. You felt your cheeks burn a little as he stared back at you. You watched as he seemed to analyse you. You tried to look away but felt his eyes still studying you as you tried to chew some of your steak. Maybe he was having similar thoughts about the legend. He didn't seem the type to immediately believe it, especially since you were a half blood. He probably wouldn't even consider having feelings for you.

You and Georgia finished up your food and set off in a hurry out of the Great Hall, avoiding the questions that were flying at you. Your head was swarming now, supposedly by midday tomorrow you were going to fall head over heels for that self important git. You only had about 17 hours of freedom left if the legend was true. You and Georgia slouched on the sofas in your common room and she gave your hand a comforting squeeze seeing your furrowed brow.

"The bright side is," She smiled. "If you do fall in love with him, that'll mean he's in love with you, so he'll be much nicer to you," you tried to smile at that thought, but being in love with Draco didn't seem very fun either way.

After sitting in the common room for a while, people started flooding in, so Georgia took you up to your dorms to avoid questions from the other students. You collapsed onto your bed and listened as Georgia spoke.

"At 12 tomorrow we're gonna be in Potions and pretty much immediately after we have lunch so," she paused taking in your pained expression. "Mentally prepare yourself," you nodded and groaned.

"Maybe I'm not the Y/H/N princess, maybe it's someone else," you suggested weakly, although you didn't know who else it would be.

"I mean supposedly it's the person who the house collectively thinks it is and-" Georgia started but you cut her off.

"It's clearly me since no one has left me alone all day," you whined and buried your head in your pillow. Georgia pursed her lips and nodded.

"It'll be ok," she whispered, settling down in her own bed. "You'll be fine Y/N,"

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