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This chapter is dedicated to sophieona, thanks a bunch dear!😍


After the incident in which my uncle slapped me everything in the house changed, new rules and regulations were set out by my uncle, everything in the house remained still and calm, no one dares to complain about anything not even mom!, temmy and i were banned from leaving house for a week! imagine? i really hate that man!  i entered into the bathroom to take my bath, i wasn't feeling too good this morning, i entered into the bathtub washing my legs slowly, my mind flashed back to what happened two days ago..


"How dare you?" my uncle barked, before i knew what was happening the next minutes, my uncle slapped me on the face i feel across the bed immediately holding my left cheek as tears fight its way down my face, i was dumbfounded, why am i been slapped?  what have i done wrong?

"You wretched prostitute, how dare you convince my daughter into bringing a boy home, she would never have done that on her own, i knew there is something bad about you right from the first day my brother brought you in from the wretched place he found you!, you ingrate! how could you! so you want to pollute her mind and turn her into a prostitute like yourself, see you have failed totally, i will never allow you to do that! never! not in my lifetime, i make sure you suffer greatly for this.." he said with rage, more tears fight way down my face, i stared at him bewildered

"Daddy just stop this!!!" temmy shouted!  shade didn't convince me into doing anything! daddy am no longer a kid!, i am twenty-three for Goodness sake and i can make some decisions on my own, why do you still treat me like a child? you always do this to me, acting on my behalf without  knowing if am fine with your decisions or not! why dad!?  shade would never convince me to do anything bad, why do you hate her so much? Why!!" She shouted again yet crying

"Parh! Parh! parh!" my uncle clapped, this time i became very scared, uncle's eyes turned red with extreme rage, he began searching for something inside the room, i was shaking profusely, my legs began to fail as i stand, on the other hand, temmy too was scared we looked at each other unsure of what would happen next..

"So she has finally taught you how to speak back to your own father you witch! i will teach you both a good lesson" he said pointing at temmy, without looking up at her or even me he began searching for the unknown, i grew more scared minute by minute, the flung the wordrob opened, pouring out temmy's clothes on the floor, he left  there and went ahead to her shoe rack with extreme rage he pushed the rack down causing a great noise, he picked two of her sneakers, checking the one  with more weight, he dropped the two back, he went further to her dresser still searching for something unknown to i and temmy, this time temmy mouthed to me we should run out of the room which seems like a good idea, but i couldn't move, my legs were shaking badly, temmy carefully got down from the bed making no sound, she held my hand as this time uncle stopped searching for whatever he was looking for, we made to run, but temmy was more faster than i uncle turned and saw temmy close to the door, with annoyance he threw the flower vase he found towards temmy, the vase hit her on her right leg, i freezed at the spot i was, temmy let out a great shout in pain, i rushed towards her crying

"My leg" temmy let out crying, blood gushed out from her leg, uncle came closer, umoved about what has happened, he bent down to look at temmy's leg "this is what happens to a child who dare to speak back and disrespects her father! and as for you prostitute" he came closer to me caught hold of my neck and grabbed it tight, my body began to shake, he was chocking me "ple...ase un..cle go of.. m..y!" I pleaded but he refused to let go, he looked into my face let out a wicked laugh, he seems to enjoy this! i began to cough, he tightened his grip around my neck, this time i thought of death

"Daddy you are hurting her! please  leave her alone!"she shouted he released my neck  immediately like he was brought back to reality, he looked at me and then left the room..

I coughed repeatedly hiting my chest, sweat beads formed round my forehead, "are you ok?" temmy asked "am fine" i said, i got up slowly and helped temmy up, her leg was bleeding, i took her into the bedroom to clean the blood off, she let out a loud cry, i looked at her with pity, she was in pain.. I quickly called mom to inform her about what happened...
with the help of the driver, i took temmy to a nearby clinic, she was attended to immediately... Mom arrived after twenty minutes, she was so devastated at the whole situation, "Tayo will not kill me o" she lamented crying bitterly
"Its ok mom, everything is fine now" i said as i wiped her tears with the back of my palm
"No shade, its not ok, you won't understand" she said crying

After temmy was attended to, we left the clinic, i was glad temmy looked fine
"Are you ok?" Temmy asked me
"I should be the one to ask you that, how are you feeling now?" i asked concerned
"Am good" she smiled at me

We got home that night only to find uncle at the dinner table eating, he looked so peaceful like nothing had happened, "you may go to your room now" mom said as she dropped her hand bag on the dinner table, she looked at him with disgust uncle seems un bothered  about it, infact he acted as if we were invisible...i looked at him still suprised if this man is really my uncle".

Flashback ends....

"Shade your phone is ringing" temmy called out bringing me back to reality

"Alright, do not move an inch, am coming outside now to get it"  i said, i do not want her to hurt her leg more, i grabbed a towel quickly and make my way out, by the time i came out the phone had stop ringing, i checked who the caller was its my father, i didn't tell my father about everything that happened, uncle tayo's statement still rings in my brain "i knew there is something bad about you right from the first day my brother brought you in from the wretched place he found you" for some reason my mind tells me there is more to that statement he said, i find that statement very disturbing, although i want to leave this place badly for home, but part of me still want to find out about what uncle meant by that statement he made...

"Hello dad" i said

"how are you doing sweetie?" he said

"Daddy am very fine, how are you doing also" i asked

"Am fine too, i bet you have been enjoying yourself "

"Of course daddy, i am, i love it here" I  lied

"You see, i told you that you would like it there" he said laughing, "how is temmy? i hope she's good too?"

"Yes dad, she's doing good, how is princess?, i know she must have missed me so much, how is she?"

"Your sister is fine, she sends her greetings"

"Alright dad, tell her i have missed her so much, how about mom?, how is she? ever since i got here, she never called me for once, and i tried calling her repeatedly but she wouldn't pick up"

"Don't worry dear, maybe she has been busy or something, you know the way your mother behaves at times, she doesn't take her phone serious, that shouldn't bother you ok?"

"Yes dad, tell her i have missed her and i love her" i said

"Alright dear, i have to go! bye for now"

"bye daddy" i said and ended the call

"My dad sends his greetings" i told temmy
"Really, how is he doing?" she asked
"Thank God!  He's fine" i said

I went back into the bathroom, i have to be fast, mom said she needed to talk to i and temmy about what happened, anxiety filled me because i don't know what she has to say!.

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