Writing QnA

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Originally, I planned on this QnA being bigger, but it seems not any people were interested in asking questions.

So, I decided to upload it as is, and if anyone has anymore questions, please ask in the comment section I will respond.

Thank you all for the questions!
Let's get the Q 'n' A started.


1st Q; OkamiAkira16 What made you start writing?

A, I feel like making stories and characters is one of the only things I'm good at, when I was thirteen I decided that's what I want to do for a living, Write comics, and fictional novels.

I'm not the best at writing, so I thought why not write fanfiction to get better at writing until I can make an actual book.


2nd Q; AwkwardWritingPotato
Q, Where do you get your inspiration from?

A, It depends on what I'm writing, I get inspiration thinking about my friends and family though.

Q, Favorite story you're working on?

A, In my drafts there is a FF I'm working on that's based on someone else's FF, if I ever want to post it I want to get that authors permission first.
It's a Robin x Deadpool fanfic.

(If you wanna read the FF that I'm basing mine off of just ask me and I'll tell you the name of the book, and the authors account.)

Q, Best tip for writing a Fluff oneshot?

A, Think happy positive thoughts, and try to incorporate that. Also, for me I write fluff with a little angst so that the fluff makes it feel better, and has a bigger effect on the people who read it.

Q, What music do you listen to when writing?

A, I mostly listen to rock, and that's what I'll listen to when writing. If not I'll listen to something like classical, instrumental, or jazz if I don't want to be distracted.

Q, Do you improvise and write stories as they come, or write it beforehand and then write it?

A, I always have a rough, or detailed idea of what I'm going to write before I write it.


3rd Q; SinOfFault What's your favorite type of FF to write? Lemon, Fluff, Angst, etc.

A, I like to write Fluff, and Angst. I like writing fluff cause I want to make everyone feel better when they're having a bad day, and I like writing angst cause the evil part of me likes ruining people's day.

But when it comes to genres with my orginal stories I like to write fantasy.


That's all the questions that were asked.
If you have any questions please ask away in the comments, I will respond.

If you want to ask about the FF books I have in my drafts, you may.
I have four books in my drafts.

If you have any questions about my taking a hiatus with my oneshot books, please ask away, I'm willing to answer any of your questions.

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