Welcome to the Black Rose

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// This is the only warring your getting.

 This is a FemboyX Reader with Phantom and Mare fic. There will be BDSM and smut in this. If this is not your cup of tea please go somewhere else. This is what you are wearing by the way

 This is what you are wearing by the way

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   The club was blaring music, it's not often you went out to a club. But you were out celebrating tonight. You just got your dream job, so why not go out and party. It was a club that you never heard of before. 'The Black Rose' is what it was called, if you remembered right. The music brought you back from your thoughts. A song came on that had just the right beat that made you want to lose yourself to the dance floor. Making your way through the crowded dance floor, you found a spot where you could sway your hips and let loose. The outfit that you wore was a red and black skirt with fishnets and boots. Your shirt was a long sleeve; it was flowing enough to give the illusion of what was hidden underneath. What you did not notice was two sets of eyes watching your every movement. One set was red, the other purple.The closest to you was the Amethyst colored eyes., the owner of those eyes met with the red and they both nodded to the other. A fanged smirk on both their lips. The purple eyes made their way over to where you were dancing.

   So lost in the music, you did not notice the body of a male against your back, his hands on your hips as he swayed to the beat with you. The moment the music changed to another song, you noticed the body against yours. A pale stain of pink crossed the bridge of your nose. The male's hands did not move from your hips, in fact their hands tightened on your hips keeping you swaying with them. The next song that came was highly suggestive, as the song played your blush got darker, the moment a breath was felt on the shell of your ear. "What's a cute little thing doing in a place like this?" The voice was dark and husky. The scent of something sweet and smoky filled your nose as the male spoke. Unbeknownst to you there was a Siren demon dancing with you. His voice laced with a purple mist to warp the mind that inhaled it. That voice alone was making your knees weak against him.

   "I came to celebrate tonight." You finally seemed to find your voice to answer the male behind you. He turned you to face him, and what you saw made your heartbeat a little faster. A man of asian descent stood there. Purple eyes with what looked like tear tracks on his cheeks stood there. A smirk on his lips as you could see what looked like a fang touched his bottom lip. "And what is your name or shall I just call you my princess for the night?" The male spoke as you blushed trying to keep standing up. That silky voice and scent from him was intoxicating, that and your blush now was making your skin burn hot. "Y....Y/N, is my name." Stuttering, you were finally able to get out. "Well Y/N, I am Natemare, most just call me Mare for short." Mare spoke as he kept dancing with you. He leaned down and whispered in your ear so you could hear him over the music. "Why don't you come with me my darling, there is yet another that you caught their eye as well." Mare spoke as this time you saw the purple smoke leave his lips, but when you breathed in the scent of the sweet smoke you could finally place that scent. It was the scent of lavenders and incense smoke like Sandalwood.

   You could not help but to nod your head, you would do whatever he asked you to do. Your head was filled with his voice while your lungs filled with his mist. Natemare smirked to himself as he pulled you from the dance floor. He knew you were full under his siren spell. He led you to a door, seeing he noticed the owner of the red eyes was gone missing from his corner where he normally sat. The door that Mare led you to seems to open on its own, his hands never leaving your hips as he kept you swaying against his hips. He was singing in your ear keeping you under the siren call and keeping you focused on him. As you both walked down the hall other sounds were heard. Many other doors you seemed to pass. Behind some doors were screams of pain and others of pleasure. At the end of the hall was a red door that seemed to have a red mist coming from it, As you got closer the scent of Patchouli and Sandalwood filled your scenes. It went with the Lavender and sandalwood smell that was coming from Mare. The door opened revealing a man sitting behind a desk. This man looked like Natemare, but he did not have the tear tracks. Instead his skin was deathly pale with dark shadows under his red eyes.

   "And who is this little doll you brought to my office Mare" The voice from this red eyed man was deeper than Mare's and it made your knees finely give out. Had Natemare not be behind you you would have dropped to the floor. His hands on your hops and his chest to your back was the only thing keeping you steady. "I would like you to meet Y/N, brother." , Mare smirked as he replied knowing your mind was not just under his influence but now his brother's as well. "Well hello Y/N, my name is Phantom. You are indeed a pretty little thing. Bring them over here, let me have a closer look". The man with the Ruby eyes, now named Phantom held out one hand to you while the other held a cane in the other. Mare moved one hand from your hip and patted your ass, "Go to him princess", Mare spoke into your ear. 

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