The Deal

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   With your mind so filled with his drug-like mist how could you deny him anything. You began to walk over to Phantom, placing your hand in his and pulled you to him. With your knees as weak as they were, you dropped in his lap. A knee on each side of the chair he was sitting in. A smirk now on his lips, that red mist that filled the room left his lips as he spoke. "Falling for me already doll. I bet your not what you seem are you" At his words a shutter of fear and lust filled you. No one knew your little secret, but the few you trusted. "Don't worry princess, we know and we like that very much." Mare spoke from behind you as he nipped the shell of your ear. The hand you were holding of Phantoms was now gone and under your skirt. He was paling you through your lacy panties you had on. You could feel yourself getting hard at his touch. A moan left your lips as a fire seemed to ignite inside you. "It seems that our little doll likes our touch brother" Phantom spoke as his crimson eye locked with your E/C eyes. "It seems so. Tell us princess do you want us? Do you want to be my baby girl, do you want to be my brother's pretty little pet?" Mare sang in your ear, the scent of Lavender and Patchouli mixed heavy with Sandalwood all around you. You nodded your head yes seeing you could not find the words. But a hissed moan came from you as Phantom's hand squeezed slightly tighter on your hardening dick. "Words must be spoken doll. It is rude not to answer your daddy Natemare and master Phantom." You had no idea that these words you next spoke would be as if you signed a contract. Seeing you were sitting in a soul collectors lap or in this case an incubus's lap. "Y-Yes, I want you both", your voice was breathy as you could feel Mare's bulge on your ass and underneath you Phantom's matched. Both demons seemed to have you grinding against them.

   "Then repeat after me doll", Phantom said as another puff of red mist left his lips. "I Y/N swear myself to Natemare and Phantom". Hearing him speak alone with that scent, then a whiff of purple mist hit you as well as you could hear Mare's voice in your ear. "Speak these words princess and you will be ours for all eternity. We will be your just as your will be ours. Don't you want that?" "What will I be just a playtoy for you both to use when you want?" Somehow you were able to voice a thought through the demon's magic. It seemed you were stronger willed then both Natemare and Phantom thought. Being the smooth silver tongued demon he was. Phantom locked eyes with your own and spoke. "Think of it more of a mating, we bind ourselves to you, as you bind yourself to us. After the words are spoken we three will be one unit. We could not touch another but you as you will not be able to as well." Nodding your head, you understood what the demon was saying. "Saw it then princess, tell us you are ours." Mare sang in your ear.

   "I Y/N swear myself to Natemare and Phantom", you spoke. Phantom then spoke again, "By saying this I Y/N give all of myself to them in exchange they give all of themselves to me". You repeat what he said as you could feel the siren behind you kissing along your neck. The hand under your skirt still palming you, as you arched back against Mare. Both demons had a smirk on their lips. "Good girl almost done" Mare whispered as his hands traveled up and down your sides, but finely took hold of your hips. Grinding his hard length against your ass. Whis Phant palemed you, you could feel his free hand moving to grip the wrist of your right hands, while Mare's left took your left wrist. "Last part princess and you will be ours." The siren spoke as his lips kissed your inner wrist. Phantom did the same before he spoke again. "I freely sign this contract in blood to become the sole mate to Natemare and Phantom. I give over all control and submit myself to their will"

    Closing your eyes you leaned back against Mare's chest and repeated the words Phantom spoke. The moment that last word left your lips a sharp pain filled you. Your eyes opened to see both Mare and Phantom biting your wrist. You could see a little trail of blood flowing down the side of your wrist. As that drank from you, you could feel yourself not able to move, not even a sound left your lips and you were frozen trapped between these demons. Mare pulled away from your wrist first, he laid you on his brother's chest as he walked to get something. Phantom pulled away next as he held you. Booth his hands cradling you as he watched his older brother. He knew just what Natemare was doing. They were finishing what they started now. Mare came back over with a crystal wine glass, placing it on the desk. Mare bit into his own wrist and let his blood drip in the glass. Phantom followed suit, taking the glass in hand and placing it to your lips. "Drink this and become one with us doll." Not being able to move, you sat there with fear in your eyes. What have you just done? You could feel the warm thick liquid in your mouth as it slid down your throat. You could not stop drinking from the glass. It was bitter but sweet at the same time. Once the glass was empty Mare took you from Phantoms arms and sat down with you in his lap. A smile on the soul collectors lips, as a parchment rolled out before you. "Everything we said, everything we promised is here." Phantom spoke as Natemare raised your wrist to the parchment. A few drops of your blood dropped on to the dotted line where your name appeared. Once your name was there the parchment was gone. "Take our lover to our home. I will be there once I am done here. She will need rest for what is to come." Phantom spoke his voice losing that husky tone. He had a business to run and business came before pleasure.

    Nate nodded as he lifted you up bridal style, your body seemed heavy as he walked into a black portal. It was cold and so dark all you heard was your heart beat. It only lasted a moment but it seemed like hours. You seemed to reappear in a bedroom decked out in reds and purples and black. A king sized four post bed was there. Mare laid you on the bed, he began to hum a purple mist leaving his moth but the purple was darker than before. "Just sleep just dream" He sang in your ear as the mist filled your body. You felt so tired so lost. All you wanted to do was let go and sleep. Your eyes got heavier the more he sang. You finally gave in and drifted off to sleep.. "That is right, princess sleep, dream sweet dreams. When you wake we will finish making you ours." Mare leaned down and placed a kiss to your forehead and tucked you in. With that he returned to the club to help his brother bring in more victims. 

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