Brotherly bonding over Y/N

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//Hey sorry  I am so late of posting this. I had a bad case of writers block and had some family things come up.  I know the chapter is short  and is mostly filler, but it is setting up for the next chapters to come. After the next chapter  we  will be getting in to the the hardcore smut. 

    That night you slept without a single nightmare. You seemed to just float in the black abyss. A soft lullaby playing through your mind as you slept. As you slept Phantom and Mare had closed down the club once they had finished their work. Phantom looked to his brother as he spoke. " Our little doll is not going to be able to handle us both at the same time. We are going to need them to get used to having two lovers."  

    Mare was in the middle of mopping up a bit of blood he had spilled when he took out one of his own victims. "What is it you're suggesting Phantom?" Natemare spoke as he snapped his fingers to make the mop and bucket disappear. Sometimes both demons enjoyed doing things like humans. "I am thinking that seeing you were all but fucking them on the dancefloor, you should go first" Phantom spoke as he leaned against a wall looking to his brother.

      Mare looked to Phantom and thought about what he said. He did meet little Y/N first. "This is true, But we are going to need to sit down and talk to Y/N about some things. Like any kinks they have as well as our own" Natemare smirked as he hopped up on the bar and looked to his brother. "Like the fact I have a daddy kink and can be a bit of a sadist and like pet play." Mare finished as he pulled a knife from thin air and licked it. His purple eyes wide and and full of insanity when he said sadist. 

     Phantom smirked at that as he brought his staff to eye level. "There are two kinks we have in common so far brother. I too can be a sadist and like pet play. Yet I have a master and slave kink where you have a daddy kink." As Phantom spoke the orb clouded red. Mare came over and looked into the orb with his brother. There in the crystal they saw their mate laying on the bed sleeping.

     "Seems like my song is still playing in their head keeping our little mate asleep till we get home." Natemare smiled as he watched. Phantom made a 'hmm' noise before he spoke, "we need to finish here. I want us to also create a collar for them. Something special for when they are alone with one of us. But I think we should make one for when they are with both of us." Natemare thought about it for a moment. "I agree to this" A purple and silver collar appeared in front of Mare. hanging off it a silver heart that read 'Daddy's Slut'. "Here is my collar for Y/N for when they are alone with me" 

      Phantom looked in the crystal and thought of a collar he would like them to wear when they were alone with him. A black and red collar appeared before him. A ribbon on the front. Little silver chains hanging off it with a red heart hanging from it. The heart read 'Masters Pet' "Here is mine" Phantom spoke as he smirked. "It seems our little mate is going to have their hands full with us." Phantom let out a chuckle at his own words.

"Well let us hurry up and get home to Y/N. That way we can wake them and begin talking about everything. I really want to hear Y/N moan and scream again. It was music to the ears" Mare spoke as he turned to finish cleaning up. "I have to agree, their eyes full of the desire we were making them feel was madding. I wanted to just fuck our little doll over my desk." Phantom was now picturing that in his mind now. He would have to do that at some point. He went into his office to put away all the contracts he had made this night. The one that he and Natemare made with Y/N would be hidden in a special place in their home. 

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