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"—Josh you almost ready to go?" Denise asked from the doorway and I saw Katie's jaw drop. I knew my expression was guilty, I felt guilty. I never wanted Katie to have to see who I was going on a date with, truthfully, I hadn't even thought I'd be going on a date with anyone but her forever. Sadly that wasn't in the cards, we weren't meant to be but that didn't stop me from feeling awful that I was the one to upset Katie.

"Yeah, gimme a sec I'll meet you out front." I replied, trying to get Denise out of there as quickly as possible.

"Sounds good," She flashed me a smile and thankfully left after that.

"Katie—" I began, but before I could say anything more Katie was getting ready to leave.

"—Have a good weekend Josh," She said shortly, and I couldn't stop myself from wincing at her harsh tone.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, fearing her answer. What if she said no? What if she had had enough of me and my dickish behaviour? What kind of asshole paraded his date in front of the girl who up until a handful of days ago he'd had a relationship with? This asshole that's who.

"Yup," She agreed, and I felt a coursing sense of relief. Maybe I hadn't ruined everything yet. She gathered her water bottle and was walking towards the door, but I couldn't let her go just yet. I couldn't let her go without some reassurance that my jerkish behaviour hadn't quite ruined everything yet. Before I could stop myself, I reached out and grabbed her arm, spinning her back around to face me.

I couldn't get enough of her face, those huge, kind, expressive green eyes of hers. The light dusting of freckles that were so faint they were easy to miss if you weren't looking hard enough. The way the wispy blonde bits framed her angular face, the fact that I found them cute even when they were damp with sweat. There wasn't anything I didn't like about Katie and that was what made the situation so much worse. The only thing keeping me strong was knowing that she deserved so much better and I owed it to her to give that to her. I owed it to her to give her the chance to grow up and experience all that High School had to offer.

"We had a good day, right?" I asked quietly and she thankfully nodded. "Boundaries, right?"

"Boundaries," She agreed, and I felt like I could breathe again. I hoped she knew I never meant to hurt her like this, I hoped she thought better of me than that. "See you tomorrow,"

"Be safe tonight," I couldn't help but add. I knew she didn't deserve me being overprotective, she certainly didn't sign up for it but I couldn't help but worry. I hadn't been very popular in High School, choosing to stick to my tight-knit group of friends spending our Friday nights immersed in video games instead of parties. Despite the fact that I hadn't gone to many parties didn't mean I didn't know what happened at them. Too much alcohol, bad decisions, sleezy guys it was all things I wish I could shield Katie from.

I didn't want to imagine some douchebag Senior noticing how pretty she was or how her smile lit up her whole face. I didn't want some scrawny freshman experiencing just how soft her lips felt when they were pressed against yours. I didn't want her to get in a car with someone who'd been drinking, for her life to be completely and utterly ruined before it'd even had a chance to begin.

I knew though that I had no right to ask her not to go, to lecture her like an annoying older brother. So instead I asked her to be careful, trying to infuse how much I meant those words in my tone. I didn't know what I would do with myself if anything were to happen to that girl, I don't know how I'd get over it. I don't even know if I could.

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