Chapter 10

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Both boys blinked at Dean.


"Isn't that a good thing? You're crying."

Dean laughed at himself. "Yeah, I am."

"So, lemme get this straight. You talked to Cas' dad, but you didn't even know it was him? Then he goes to tell Dr. Kadinsky to ask you if you'll take Cas in?"

"That is what I understand from the story as well."

"But why would he choose you to take his son in? I mean come on it's Dean-"

"Shut up Gabe!" they both yelled.

"So what did you tell him?"

"I didn't. I wanted to ask you specifically first if it was something you wanted or were okay with. Gabriel just happens to be here, but his opinion doesn't really count for the final decision."

"Hey! You said I was part of this family too! I say we bring that son of a bitch home so him and Dean can finally have sex."



Sam stared at his brother thoughtfully for a long time. He'd never seen Dean this happy after their parents had died and hell, he'd practically cried over the man twice now. Cas wasn't so bad, and he liked pancakes. "I think we can fit one more idiot in this house."

Dean smiled and leapt up to hug his brother. Gabriel complained until he got in too. They stood there like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms happily. Dean finally pulled away and wiped his face. "We're gonna have so much fucking pizza tonight."


"So?" Dr. Kadinsky asked from behind his desk.

"Does he..."

"No. We have not mentioned any of it to Castiel. We were waiting for your answer and assumed you'd want to be the one who asked him."

Dean thought for a second. "Why me though? Why did his dad come in here and request that I take him in?"

"He didn't give me an exact reason. Whatever you talked about outside must have swayed his decision. He comes by every so often to watch Castiel and how he interacts with people. He said he'd never seen him so open, so alive, so happy."

"But, how did Cas not recognize him? He surely would've said something..."

"Castiel doesn't have much memory of anything that happened before last year. He could tell you his family member's names and maybe something about them, but he can't match their faces. It's like they're nonexistent to him. I think that's why they don't visit, and why Chuck has asked this. He saw something between you two that he hadn't seen in a long time. He saw his son, and you gave that to him. Now, you have every right to refuse the offer. I'm just passing on the request."

Dean sat there. He wanted to take Cas home, to give him a life outside the ward and be with him always. He wanted to be Cas' home. "Yes. We'll take him."

"Well, I'll leave you to asking Castiel yourself. You can gather all of his things and Meg will have some papers for you to sign. We'll send you home with some meds and we're always happy to make those refills for you. Thank you Dean, for everything." He stood and shook Dean's hand with a gratifying smile.

Dean stood in the rec room's doorway watching Cas play his board games. His stomach was full of nerves and doubt of Cas saying yes. But he would. He had to.

"Hey Cas."


The boy shot from his chair with a grin. He put his hand against Dean's chest and kissed his chin. They both sat down and continued Cas' lone game of Candy Land. Dean didn't know what to say, how to say it, or when to bring it up. So he sat there, playing quietly with Cas.

Cas, on the other hand, was very intuitive and knew something was upsetting Dean. He could see it in his eyes and felt it from the moment he laid a hand on his chest. "You have turmoil again," he said sadly. He leaned across the table and kissed Dean softly, but that was not his ailment. "Dean."

Dean grabbed Cas' hands and held them over the game board. "Cas, I have something very important to ask you, okay?" Cas nodded, his eyes full of worry. "Dr. Kadinsky and I have been discussing certain things, important things, about you. We-I want you to be happiest and for you to understand that whatever your choice is I will support it and continue living. Everyone is already on board, I just needed to ask you before it's official."

Cas cocked his head to the side, eyes squinted. Dean smiled. This was one he couldn't figure out by visual studying.

"Castiel, will you move in with me and Sammy and sometimes his annoying boyfriend? Will you become a part of our family under our roof?"

Cas' face shifted to something Dean could not read. His back stiffened as he removed his hands from Dean's grasp. He pursed his lips before standing and walking slowly to the window. He stared outside with his back toward Dean. Dean sat there for a few minutes trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. Cas is just thinking.

Dean walked up to Cas and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the boy and realized he was crying. "Hey, hey. Why are you crying?" Cas turned to face him. His eyes were bright and full of hope. He enveloped Dean in a warm hug and felt a tender hand on the back of his head. Cas had never been wrought with so much happiness and love. He pulled away with a tear struck face. Dean wiped them away as best he could and pressed his finger against the tip of Cas' nose. "No crying."

"Happy," he choked out. He grabbed Dean's face and pressed their lips lovingly together. He kissed with passion and excitement, Dean rubbing his thumb over his cheek.

"Is that a yes?" Cas only nodded before pulling him in for more.

Cas was in his room emptying his closet and desk drawers when Meg strolled up. "Finally taking him away from me?" Dean shrugged. "Well here's the papers you have to sign. Legal stuff. And," she handed him a small box, "his pills for the next few month. Remember-"

"Exactly at five every day. I know." Meg smiled at him as she took the papers back, waving a final goodbye into Cas' room before she left.

Cas came out shortly after with a small suitcase. He was in the same outfit he'd worn on their 'date'.

"Oh I'm so glad I don't have to see you in those awful hospital clothes anymore."

Cas leaned into his ear with a smile. "You can see me in a lot less when you show me your room." Dean snorted at the boy as they left the ward, Cas nodding in departure.

They kissed only once as they'd climbed into the impala, settling on holding hands as Dean drove. They watched the world blur around them, stealing glances of each other and the family they would make together.

Cas reached over to place his hand on Dean's chest. "That means I love you."

Dean almost slammed on the brakes at Cas' words. "It means what?"

"I love you."

"You sneaky son of bitch. You knew that whole time and you waited until last weekend to make any sort of move?" Cas blushed and smiled stupidly. "Well in that case..."

Dean reached over and placed his hand on Cas' chest.

"I love you too."

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