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Saturday 5th September 2020.

Hope's pov

The ground beneath me starts to shake and i know im in trouble, Josie's waking up and I'm stuck in her mind.

I feel my head buzz slightly but my vision is blurred "Hope?" I hear a strong British masculine voice that sounded a lot like " Dad?" I mutter although it sounds disoriented due to me dying, shit If I'm dead that means I'm in the stage between the living and the dead, right?

"Hope? Oh my god Hope" my dad says running towards me to give me a hug "what are you doing here? " he asks me "well it's a long story so I'll explain it after but where's mum?" I ask "oh I'll take you to her" dad says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me in the direction of what i assume is the fire pit area where i saw last time.

"Hayley we have a big problem" My dad says walking towards my mum with me behind his back "What Klaus?" my mum asks, dad pushes me in front of him "H-Hope?" my mum asks, unsure if this is real or just a hallucination. I run towards my mum and wrap my arms around her shoulder "mum, i missed you" i mutter in her hair, refusing to let go of my mum. She pulls away from the hug " I clearly remember you promising that the next time I'll see you it'll be many, many years so could you explain what your doing here?" my mother asks in a very serious tone and the look on her face could scare even the bravest person to ever live "um well it's quite confusing..." I trail off "Hope, you can tell us after you've come down and seen the rest of us?" Mum suggests, I nod and let myself get lead to a small wooden log, my mum introduces me to the others before they look at me expectantly so i take a deep breathe before starting " So i have this friend, her name is Josie and she was in trouble.." I say, not knowing how to continue the story "Josie? as in one of Caroline's daughters?" My dad asks "ye-" I go to explain when my mum buts in "how do you know Caroline's daughters?" "Guys please I'll explain" I say, dismissing the argument before it can get worse "When I fainted it was the first time and i came here It was because i had loads of dark magic running through my veins, so she and her twin sister Lizzie helped syphon the magic out of me and into dad" I say while taking a deep breath "We weren't that close but then i helped her with some dark magic after I saw her set her ex girlfriends hair on fire which just made the rivalry between Lizzie and Penelope go off and that was really bad and a bad idea from the start, then skip a while I ended up Falling into a giant black pit called Malivore which more or less erases you from everyone's memories. I thought that i could kill 'it' because it was made by a witch, wolf and vampire but I made one mistake, I wasn't a fully active Tribrid for I hadn't activated my Vampire side yet" I say letting the others let the information sink in "So lets go to the point where I'm out of the pit and nobody remembers me, that means my boyfriend- ex boyfriend sorry and Josie were dating because they forgot that i ever existed even Auntie Freya forgot but Josie helped return the memories. then she got stuck with her evil uncle in a prison world they created when they were kids, the only way out was by her breaking a sand clock which had the dark magic of multiple people in it so when she broke it she had her own power but she was dying from the inside out and I decided to go in her mind after the twins 'merged' but I linked lizzie to MG so even if she did die from the merge she would come back to life. Then I got stuck in her mind and because she woke up I've died, so yeah that's what has been going on" I finish my statement with the fact of my death "It still doesn't make sense why your here" Mum chimes in "well my body is technically down with the others so for the vampire part to properly work, I have to be in my body" I say, remembering what Marcel had told me years ago. "For now your stuck here so I will have your room sorted out" My mum says I nod, only just realising how tired I truly am.

Josie's pov

"what's wrong with her?" Raf asks my dad "I don't know but she's not waking up" my dad says "what if she doesn't wake up? what happens then" I ask "well..." my dad says, pondering "I guess we will just have to wait and see" my dad replies I sigh and turn to the peaceful figure of the sleeping Hope when I notice something "um, dad?" I question at my dad "yeah Jo?" he asks "does Hope look paler then usual?" I ask as I notice the normal tone of her skin has turned in to a white tone "yes, that's strange. I'm going to call her Aunt Freya to ask about what might be going on" he says before heading to his phone and dials, The line rings before it picks up.

Freya's pov

"Freya, Someone's ringing you!" my sister yells to me "okay I'm coming!" I yell back "hello, who i this?" I ask, hoping that Hope hasn't done something stupid " Freya? this is Dr Saltzman, we think something is wrong with Hope-" I cut him off "I'm on my way" I say before hanging up the phone "Bex!" I yell towards my younger sister "yeah?" she yelled as she sped in to the room "Hope's principle said that he thinks something is wrong with Hope, pack your bags".

Dr Saltzman's pov

"what's wrong with her?" Raf asks me " I don't know, but she's not waking up" I sigh defeatedly "I guess we will have to wait and see" i say after pondering for a minute, I am broken out of my thoughts by my daughter's voice "um dad?" she questions me "yeah Jo?" I say when turning towards her "does Hope look paler then usual?" She asks me, I turn my eyes towards Hope and see her looking as pale as snow "yes, that's strange. I'm going to call her aunt Freya to ask her about what might be going on" I say.

I walk into the other room and call Freya. the line rings for a moment when the line picks up "hello?" The person on the other line asked "hey is this Freya Mikaelson?" I ask, hearing a familiar tone through the line, I just couldn't place my finger on it "it's Rebekah, I'll get Freya for you" she says, her British accent is really strong and I can hear her shout in the background "Freya someone's ringing you!" I chuckle under my breath "hello who is this?" the voice on the other line was softer and her accent wasn't as obvious as Rebekah's "Freya? this is Dr Saltzman we think something is wrong with Hope-" I get cut off  "I'm on my way" the line goes dead. I walk over to where Hope is lay "Josie, could you go and unlock Hope's room door, we should put her there so she's more comfortable when she wakes up" I yell , Josie walks into the room " okay dad, are you going to carry her?" She asks me I nod and she makes her way in front of me, leading the way to Hope's room.

I lay her down before turning towards my daughter "Josie, I am going to call her aunt again to ask her about something to do with her wellbeing" I say to my daughter ,then just as I was making my way out of the room I turn towards Josie "hey could you stay with her while I am on the phone" I say to her in a way that seems like a question but wasn't one. After getting a nod of approval I left the room and called Freya Mikaelson " hello Freya this is Hope's principal again I just wanted your opinion slash permissions something to do with Hope, also we have moved her to her to her room" I inform her " okay, what did you need permission for?" She ask me " so I was thinking that it would be comfy for her if she was in Pyjamas, I was going , I was going to get my daughter to change her - their similar ages - but I need your opinion because you are one of her legal guardians" I ask her "well, I guess so, how old is your daughter exactly?2 Freya asks "she's 17 so only just younger then Hope" I inform her. After we check how everything is, then we said goodbye and she told me she is only 8 hours away.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day...

Hey so this is an authors note I guess.
I am back in school at the time of this being wrote so I won't be updating as often for I have started year 9. Thanks for reading.

Posting this for kelseybinning

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