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Friday 18th September 2020

Hope's pov

"5 years!!!" I scream, I see Josie Flinch "sorry Jo, i didn't mean to make you scared I'm just in shock" I apologise "it's okay, I guess i knew that you were going to freak out a bit, It's guaranteed that you would be shocked" Josie states in a understanding tone, I smile, I love this girl, wait-no, you didn't hear that. I'll have to talk to Freya later. How much can you miss in five years?

Freya's pov

"Hayley!" my sister squeals at my future sister in law, what I'm not blind, Hayley and Klaus are for sure crushing on each other . Hayley turns towards me "hey Freya, is my baby awake?" she asks me and then wraps her arms around me " thank you for saving me and my little girl." she whispers softly " Always and Forever, remember" I remind her , "Always and forever" she whispers back.

Later that day...

Freya's pov

I lay in my nieces room "so what did you want to talk about?" I ask Hope, she has a nervous look on her face "Hope?" I question, concerned with how she is acting "soooo" she trails off and refusing to meet my eyes "Hope, whatever it is that's going on is going to be fine" I say, convincing her to tell me "um, fine, I have a crush on Josie" she rushes out but I understood "I know, actually I have since the first day" I admitted, a look of shock appears on her face "how?" she asks me "well, it's no like you hid it well, and you mustn't forget the fact that you literally died while saving Josie, did you know that Josie didn't leave your side unless it was necessary, she did that for five years, she loves you" I finish, can see a small smile gracing her features "okay now don't talk about Josie and I, how about your first time meeting the little ones" Hope says, changing the subject. I let my mind wonder to that amazing day all those years ago.

Five years ago...

I feel someone pinch my arm "ugh, what, five more minuets" I groan out "Freya Mikaelson, get up, I'm in labour" My wife spat out "okay, let's go meet our son" the nurse says to my wife.

"okay, take a deep breath and push" the nurse commanded "I can't, please, make it stop!" Keelin yells out in agony, tears and sweat stream down her face "it's okay darlin', I know it hurts but when your holding our baby boy it will be worth it, and the baby I lost, I had to deliver him and I never got to hold my baby So, please, keep going for me" I say softly. She nods and squeezes my hand in a knowing way before she starts pushing again.

After a lot of pushing our little man was born so you must have seen the look on Keelin's face when the doctor uttered eight life changing words "okay, time for the second one now, ready?" the nurse questions, although Keelin was warn out she started the whole process all over again.

12 minuets later my daughter was born. the nurses carried our baby girl and baby boy over to us, I have our daughter while Keelin holds our son, they were almost identical but that would change in the future "what are you naming them?" the nurse asks, making the certificate. I turn to my wife "do you want to pick the princesses name and I will name the little prince" she suggests.

20 minuets later the whole family comes in to the room "okay where's my nephew?" Rebekah asks " I would check next to your new born niece" I reply, hoping they got the hint "no way, you added two more members to the family in the span of a day" Kol says while holding his and Davina's daughter Maribelle, who is only a few months old and is sleeping in her fathers arms. Josie, who is hidden in the corner pipes in "what are their names?" she asks, we face each other and decide who will say the name's first "well our little boy is called Niko but Nik for short" Keelin says " and this little girl is called Niamh and Nia for short" I say looking down at our little miracle, her tanned skin shone with a nice gleam.

End of flashback

"wow that's amazing" Hope exclaims in awe, I smile "okay jailbird, time to sleep, I'll get your mum and dad" I say moving off the comfy spot on the bed where i had lay for the past half an hour "aunt Freya?" Hope asks me, I turn to face my niece "yeah?" i question her "do you think mum and dad are going to realise how in love they actually are?" she asks, that's my niece, so observant "I think they already have" I say before leaving the room.

Klaus's pov

"hello Freya" I greet my sister, my strong British accent making an appearance "Hope needs you to tell you something, get Hayley to" she says to me when walking past. I go downstairs to see Hayley talking with Josie "girls, although I hate to interrupt your bonding time but Hope wants us Hayley" I say while offering a smile to Josie, she returned it, no wonder why Hope fell head over heels for her . As we make our way in to our daughters room, Hope is sat on her bed, fidgeting with her hands "hey mum, dad, um, take a seat" she says, gesturing to the bottom of the bed. She was kind of far away mentally "Hope?" Hayley asks our daughter, probably in concern "um, so I guess I have something that I need to tell you..." she trails off, a shake was evident in her voice "littlest wolf, whatever you are going to tell us isn't going to change how we think of you" I assure my daughter "okay".

Hope's pov

"okay" I state while taking a deep breath "um, I'm- I'm gay" she says looking away "well that's okay" Mum says, moving to lay beside me "yeah, so is anyone specifically? that you like that is?" dad asks moving to the other side of me, I feel my face go beet red "well, you already know her..." I say, trailing off "is it Josie?" my dad asks me and a small nod from me was all it took for both Mum and dad to elope me in a hug, I've never felt safer.

Hayley's pov

I feel Hope's breathing even out "klaus, I think she's asleep" I whisper softly into the room, after I didn't get a reply I look over and see Klaus asleep on Hope's shoulder, instead of moving to wake him I take my phone of the side and take a picture of Klaus and Hope lay together before laying back in my spot from before as well as pulling the quilt up over the three of us . I feel my eyes close slowly but it was the most comfortable moment of my life since the first day i held my baby.

Josie's pov

I make my way to Lizzie and my room when I bump into Mg "hey sorr- oh hi Mg, you might want to wipe my sisters lip gloss of you face " I tease.

When I get in to my room I see Lizzie lay on her bed with a dreamy look gracing her features " hey love bird" I great my sister "hey Jo, how is Hope?" Lizzie asks me. I say that she's fine and lay down next to my sister when my phone buzzes with a text from Freya, It was a picture of Hope, Hayley and Klaus lay asleep in Hope's bed, I show it to Lizzie who smiles " I have never been so happy for Hope, I'm glad she's back".

Okay everyone thank you for reading, I just have a quick notice that I might be posting a bit slower from Monday onwards and probably not at all Tuesday because its my birthday this year I'm going to be 14. so yeah that was it hope you enjoyed the chapter and please comment and Vote if you can. kelseybinning

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