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We've finally arrived to America! Lafayette can now speak mostly in English too! I had made plans to stay with the Schuyler sisters, but Lafayette didn't have a place to stay. I offers him a place to stay with me and the sisters, that is if they're ok with it. He gratefully accepted it.

"Cmon Lafayette! We gotta start walking if we wanna make it to their house before dark!"

I grab his hand and start manoeuvring my way through the busy streets of New York. Oh, how I missed this place.

An hour had passed, and we were finally there. I knock the door many times and a maid opens it.

"Oh, you must be Miss (L/n). Who is this with you?"

"Oh, this is my friend Lafayette! Could I please speak with the sisters?"

"Of course."

She lets both of us in and I basically run into the living room and see Peggy and Eliza talking and Angelica reading a book called "Common sense".

They all look my way and soon I'm charged at by three young woman

"(Y/N)!!!!" They all screamed in unison

We all shared a big bear hug and then Peggy let's go and asks,

"Who's this?"

She points over to Lafayette, who was been quiet this whole time.

"O-oh, this is Lafayette! He was one of my friend back in Paris!"

I didn't want to tell them I had just met him, as they would defiantly not let him stay, kick him out and call him a creep on the way out. They're very protective, to the point it's kinda scary.

"He didn't have a place to stay, so for now, could he stay here?"

"Of course!"

Eliza was so excited to have a new friend, she immediately agreed. Angelica looked like she was fine with it, and Peggy was kinda swaying around nervously, with a hint of red on her cheeks.

"Yeah, I guess y-you could stay.."

"Oh, Merci mademoiselles! I appreciate it so much!"

Peggy's face grew redder by the second. I don't blame her for a second, his accent sent butterflies in my stomach. It's just so cute!

"I'll show you to your room. Peggy, could you show mister Lafayette his room?"

"O-of course!"

Eliza grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs. Peggy does the same with Lafayette, but up the other staircase.

After walking for a minute, we reach a door, I remember that this was the room I stayed at when I would have girl nights with the sisters. This was my room. Eliza opens the door and I get hit with the nostalgic tingles. Te room has barley changed.

"When we heard you were coming back to New York, were gonna get you a bunch of new clothes! And don't worry, we didn't get any dresses. Well- we got one or two. But those are just for special occasions!"

"Thank you Eliza! Thank you so much!"

I give her the biggest bear hug ever

"Well, I'll let you get your stuff unpacked."

And with that, she left me in my room. I got over to the walk in closet, and see a bunch of nice shirts, all sorts of different pants, and on a rack, there were 3 pairs of suspenders. Put besides that, there were 2 dresses. One of them would be like a going out dress (what Angelica Eliza nd Peggy wear when they go downtown) and a beautiful (f/c) dress with only a little bit of ruffles (fun fact, each time I read a reader x Hamilton character and it says (f/c) dress I break a little inside because my favourite colour is yellow but I can't wear that because it's Peggy's colour ). It had a little lace around the collar, too. It had short sleeves, because Eliza remembered how I would always complain about how dresses go down to my elbows. I just didn't like the look of it. I'm almost positive she got it custom made, because you can almost never find nice dresses with short sleeves.

It was so perfect. My life, I mean. My life was perfect for the time being. I knew it wouldn't stay like this forever , but I'd like to imagine it could. I wish I was always this happy.

I decided that it was probably the best idea for me to change out of my old smelly outfit I've been wearing for a while.

I pick out a clean button up shirt, and a pair of black pants. I wasn't gonna put suspenders in, considering it was late, almost dark and we weren't going to go anywheres. I take out my ponytail and brush out my hair with the brush I found on my dresser. I don't really care what I look like right now, it's just my friends

I walk out of my room and see Lafayette a few doors down.

"Hey laffy! Like your new room?"

"Oui, mon amour. It is very nice"

He would always give me cute little nicknames like that. I understood what it meant, it meant 'my love'.

"Isn't it? I used to basically live here"

As I say that, we start walking to the living area with the girls


"Uh-huh! Me and the sisters are very close. Their dad is like my second father. Sadly, he is out on a Business trip. Before we left, I wrote a letter to the sisters and they wrote back, telling me that the time I'd come back, he's mostly be out on a Business trip"

"Ah, that would be a little- how you say... upsetting, Oui?"

"Oui, it's kinda is, but I'm not gonna focus on that! I'm gonna focus on the good parts. I'm gonna focus on the positive parts more then the negative."

"A good mindset, mon amour"

As we walk down the stairs, I see Peggy waiting down there.

"Hey peggs!"

"Hey (Y/n)! Uh, how was your trip back here?"

"Oh, it was nice"

"Were you two cabin mates or something?"

"Yes actually!"

Peggy's smile suddenly seems forced, but I ignore it.

"So, anything exciting coming up?"

"Oh, well the winters ball is coming up in a few months. I already think I know who I'm asking to join me"

"Oh, that's awesome peggs!"

"Isn't it?"

We all make are way down to the living area and I decided to go talk to Angelica about the book she was reading. She said after she finished, she would let me read it.

I missed these girls so much. They hadn't changed a bit.

The ship to America {Lafayette x reader}Where stories live. Discover now