Set 3

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Aoba Johsai team has lead in their current match with winning the first set and now at lead point 20-15. Izumi and Y/N manage to sneak into the audience place before the match end.

"Man's match really on another level!! " Izumi excited as she sees his brother in action. Y/N just watch the match with her blank face. Aoba teams manage to receive the ball and send the ball perfectly to their official setter, Oikawa. As Oikawa set, Y/N feels something jolt in her body. She feels amaze with how Oikawa manage to set the ball perfectly for their spiker. She can feels the set help the spiker to release 100% of their ability during spiking. Another score gain for Aoba Johsai team.

The rotation occurred makes Oikawa at the serve position. Y/N could hear a lot of girls cheers on Oikawa. So he is really a popular guys huh... Well with his ability and face, no wonder lot of girls draw into him.... Oikawa serve almost like a spike.

"Man! Is that a serve or spike?" Y/N mutters as she surprised by the power Oikawa made into his first serve. Izumi heard that "Well, that's how people look at you when you serve" she holds her mouth from chuckles. Y/N just glare at her senior who love to tease her. On the second serve, Y/N focus on Oikawa gesture. She tried to learn anything that she could from Oikawa's serve. She notices that Oikawa goods in handling direction where he will serve the ball to.

Two set winning for Aoba Johsai, they qualifies to go for Semi-Final tomorrow. As they all line up infront audience to bow for thankful for their cheers, Oikawa eyes meet up with a pair of (e/c) eyes. He waves at Y/N and smile widely at her. She's watching me!!! Y/N felt embrassed as she notice there some girls give a glare at her. She quickly turn her face and walk away. Izumi was surprised that she were left behind.

Idiot Oikawa..what if his fans come and attack me.. idiot idiot!.. She feels mad a little but more like happy because Oikawa notice her in that crowd.

"Oii CreepyKawa.... are you trying to hit on my sister?" Iwaizumi only notice there was Izumi only. "No no...I'm waving at Y/N-chan... she was there for real!!" Oikawa whinned scared as he saw Iwaizumi make a scary face to him.


Y/N lands her body on her bed and stretch it like a cat. When she was about to sleep, a message pop into her phone.

 When she was about to sleep, a message pop into her phone

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"Goodluck Oikawa-kun" she mutter to herself and went to sleep

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"Goodluck Oikawa-kun" she mutter to herself and went to sleep.


The day of semi-final match!

Y/N's teams manage to make it to the final tomorrow, she feels excited when she thinks her goals are one step away only. Our match took much longer time to end since we play full 3 sets today. Their match must has ended too... Y/N thought as she sit in the group with her team mates. They all having a little post mortem about their last match. After the discussion, they all start to make their way to their bus for leaving.

Y/N can't help but keep waiting for a new message pop into her phones. "Y/N-chan... Onii-chan's teams didn't make it to final." Izumi said as her eyes starting to tear up when she look at her phone. Y/N was surprised by the result, her body move by own self and start to running at the next building where Man's match were held.

As she get into the building she saw Aoba Johsai teams but she can't find where Oikawa is. She approach Iwaizumi "Where is Oikawa?" she ask as her eyes still searching for Oikawa. Iwaizumi eyes are red might be from crying "Maybe he went outside...You.." Before Iwaizumi manage to finished his sentence, Y/N start to dash out from there and trying to call Oikawa's phone.

She heard a ringtone from at the back of building. She went and peek there's a boy who sit at the end of stairs with his face cover by his palm. That boys looks very painful trying to hold his tears. Y/N slowly approach him and sit beside him.

"Oii.. what with that pitiful face. Didn't know you can make that ugly face..." Y/N said as she slap the back of that boy. "That hurts..." Oikawa whined as he surprised by Y/N presence. "You know what.. It's okay to cry if you feel hurt...Let it out" she said as her eyes look to front and lean her back a little. Oikawa start tears out when he heard Y/N's statement. Y/N comfort him by patting his back.

"Arghh..This is so embrassing for showing my pathetic side to you... Well, this is just a game... Why should I cry over this right.. hahaha" Oikawa laugh trying to hide his feeling as he wipe out his tears. "No, this is not just a game for you I know... This is your passion, and its normal to cry when things that you want does not go own your way... You have did your best I know that even though I can watch your last match .... "for some reason, Oikawa felt comfort by Y/N's words. He glances at Y/N whose face looks very calm.

Oikawa smile as he looks into Y/N eyes. "I love person who really into their own passion." She continued as she meets Oikawa's eyes. She tilts her head to right a little and smirk. "I know that I'm pretty, so don't easily fall for my beauties since I hate that" She chuckles as she stands up and hold out her hand to Oikawa. "Let's go... You are the captain and your teammates need you right now." Oikawa reach her hands and they both make their way to Aoba Johsai teams.

Y/N didn't notice that they were holding hands together as they walk into the building. She start to notice it when Aoba Johsai teams member look at them in weird and shock way. Y/N quickly take her hands off and feels her face little bit burned up. She bows to Oikawa's teammates before make her leave. Idiot idiot idiot... They might misunderstand us... Aishhhh..Y/N dash out from there.

"So fast... "Iwaizumi tease Oikawa who also blushed. "Senpai, never see your face red like that... Did you do something to her?" Yahaba join in tease Oikawa. " you guy know I'M popular so that can be said as fan service" Oikawa said try to hold up his ego. "Or maybe that her fan service for you... You are the one who keeps being clingy around her right?" Iwaizumi said as he drinks. "Iwaa-chann... Can't you just back me up here? I need to hold my pride infront of my junior..." he whinned as the other start to laugh and teasing him more.

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