Set 11

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"Oiiiii!! Y/N-san!!"



Multiple voices said in unison take Y/N attention. "Yow!! Guys! Long time no see Suga, Daichi, Asahi... Oh Tanaka and Kiyoko too..." She greet them.

"Seems like Kageyama and Hinata and the others still not arrived yet...." Asahi said as he look around and found only them are the only one already arrive at the resort.

"Yeah... They said they might arrive soon from the practices..." Y/N clear the question.

"What about you? Don't you have any practice?" Tanaka ask Y/N

"I do but not much like them since I'm on my off season right... Anyway the others might join us later... Let's check in first, I have booked room for girl and boy... You don't mind with that right Kiyoko?" Y/N said sounds like tease Tanaka more.

"Well, that was nice idea since we can have girls party tonight with Yachi..." Kiyoko suggest and we all went to the counter for check in.

Y/N give the key to Daichi for boys room while she keep the key for the girl room.

"Well, let's meet up at outside pool once we have settle with our things.." Everyone agree and start to unpack their things.

Y/N and Kiyoko keep on chatting while they are changing into their swimsuit.

"That was a nice ring you had..." Kiyoko said with little smirk. Y/N scrap her back neck blushed and just say thanks.

As Kiyoko and Y/N get out from their room, they make their way to the pool. "Y/N... Isnt that Oikawa and Seijoh old teams? Wait... since when did Oikawa are here in Japan?" Kiyoko point to the group of guys who already at the pool together with Daichi, Suga, Asahi and Tanaka. The boys see both of us and wave at us. "Since 4 days ago...Come on, they are waiting for us... I have told Yachi that we will be in here and she should come here directly.

Soon as Oikawa saw Y/N and Kiyoko, he ran up toward Y/N try to hug her. But Y/N manage to avoid him quickly and make he fall to the ground. "Y/N-chan..." He whinned.

"Seems like he still being rejected by Y/N even after these year..." – Hanamaki

"Somehow I feel pity to him..." -Yahaba.

"He should be grateful that Y/N still can be friend with him" – Matsukawa

"Not here you idiot!" Y/N quiet yelled make the others laugh at Oikawa.

"Yoo! They are here too!" Tanaka point his finger at a group of people. It is the rest of Karasuno former members including Yachi. Y/N ran up to Yachi and hug her happily.

"Yachi!! I miss you!! "-Y/N

"Yachi-chan... I hate you..." Oikawa said with a death glare as he jealous that Yachi got to hug Y/N but not him. Yachi trembles scare as she saw Oikawa's glares and Y/N notice it. Quickly Y/N give a death glare to Oikawa back and Oikawa surrender like a puppy who just getting scold by his master.

"Seems like beside Iwaizumi, Y/N are one of people who can control him" The rest in the pool nodded agree with Daichi statement. After a while playing in the pool, Hinata yelled suggest and idea.

"Guys!! Let's play volley beach!!" He pointed out there are volley beach court not far from the pool.

"For sure Hinata will win since he got experience with it more than us..." Yahaba stated.

"I'm in since its been a while we play volley together..." Asahi said while there are other also said that they also want to join.

After a long discussion on who will pair with who things has been decided except for Y/N, Iwaizumi and Oikawa. They still didn't decide to pair.

Oikawa x Reader (clone?) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now