What made Iraq and its inhabitants, i.e the Majus (fire-worshippers) the centre of so much of evil??
The inhabitants of Iraq/Iran, before being conquered by the Muslims, were mainly Majus (fire-worshippers). In the Ahadith, one finds clear mention that just as the Majus (fire-worshippers) were responsible for much of the attacks made upon religionin the previous ummah's. So too shall it be in this Ummah.
Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) warned most emphatically:
"For every Ummah there have been Majus, i.e worshippers of the fire" [ibn Abi Aasim]
1) Due to another Hadith, which has been narrated on a similar pattern, i.e 'Verily for every Ummah there is a test' [Ahmad]
The explanation of (Verily for every Ummah there are Majus!) that comes to mind is that just as how in every Ummah there have been Majus (worshippers of fire)that stood in the frontline of evil, ensuring that 'The Truth' never spreads, so too shall it be in this Ummah, irrespectiveof whether they expose themselves as open Majus (i.e fire/devil worshippers/satanists, etc) or they hide behind the mysterious names of 'Illuminatti', Free Masons, etc).
The Majus (fire-worshippers) of Persia
The basic principles of the religion of the Majus (Zoroastrianism, named after Zoroaster), at the outset appears similar to that of Islamic belief, i.e they believed in and worship a mighty Being that had created the entire universe, a Being that is good and rewards good. Their only difference is that together with this they also believe in a separate deity of evil, also uncreated, whose mission is to create chaos, mischief, etc. Ultimately the Deity of Good shall triumph, thus their worship is directed solely towards it, and they hold nothing but enmity and hatred for the god of evil.
Until this point, nothing about them appears so significant, that could have necessitated the mentio of "for every Ummah there are Majus", since their only error was their attribution of evil to another Being, whereas in Islamthe Creator of both good and evil is one, whilst the shayateen are mere instruments utilizes for the creatiob of evil. When only so much is understood regarding their faith, one in fact finds it difficult to understand why so many of them refused to accept Islam, since the difference between the two faiths hardly appears major.
But when one looks deeper and understands which Being, according to them, is good and which is bad, which shall teiumph and which shall fail, at that point the reality of this faithcomes to the fore.
Majus (Zoroastrians) turn towards a flame while praying. At the heart of a Zoroastrian place of worship burns a fire and where possible the fire burns continuously, symbolizing 'an eternal fire', 'a fire that shall always remain high'.
According to them fire represents the spiritual flame within us, and through fire are the ethical values of order, beneficence, honesty, fairness and justice created. As long as the temporal, outside fire remains burning high, till then shall the inside fire stay lit. Creation is the result of fire!, a famous sentence in their set of beliefs is, 'God did not create the heavens and earth with dust and water, but rather with fire! Fire is the source of light, and, in their understanding, light represents wisdom, while darkness represents ignorance. The passing of Zoroastrian ideas and values from one person to the next is symbolized by a new flame being lit from an exiwting one, or by a flame being passed from one person to the next.
To simplify it further, when Ibleesrefused to prostrate to Nabi Aadam (alayhissalaam) , it was merely on account of jealousy, since he felt himself alone worthy of being vicegerent on earth. When he saw this honour being passed on to one created from dust he could not controlhos enmity, and vowed to prove that not only shall fire remain supreme over man, but that man himself shallbow to the service of fire, hold it high, and himself become its slave.
Karbala: A "Bloody" Consipracy and the Secrets Behind It
Non-FictionINTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC The death of Hadhrat Hussain (radhiyallahu anhu), which is commonly known as 'Karbala', was indeed one of the most tragic events in the history of Islam, but not for the reasons which have generally been understood. If the...