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1) If one were to act as a lawyer, to show that the evidence against 'the one accused of murder' is not solid, this in no way implies he hates the one murdered. Nay, rather is purpose is merely to expose the fact that since there is a lot of conflicting evidence in the issue, it would indeed be appropriate to consider the possibility of another 'suspect' being involved, and the 'accused' having been framed.

Similar is the case of Karbala, the purpose of the writings of this article is merely to re-open the files of this case, and to consider the possibility of an international conspiracy, towards which many factors and event indeed do indicate.

2) In the writings above, one point that has been proven quite strongly is that Hadhrat Hussain (radhiyallahu anhu)'s journey to Iraq, had nothing to do with the character of Yazid, whether he was evil or not, but rather with the issue of who should be caliph. After understand this, one should ask the question as to why now are we adamant to delve into the personal, private life of Yazid, and prove that he indeed was a drunkard, adulterer, etc. Have we not been taught to hold good opinion of fellow believers, and to avoid prying into their personal affairs?

3) Whosoever attempts to question any issue regarding Karbala immediately gets labelled as harboring hatred for Ahle Bayt, whereas, as mentioned in point 'one' when a lawyer stands to question the strength of the proof against the 'accused', it in no way implies that he is harboring hatred against the 'murdered party'. Labelling anyone questioning the facts regarding 'Karbala' as 'enemies of the Ahle-Bayt', is similar to the practice of labelling those who question the truth behind the truth of the 'holocaust' and '911' as 'Anti Semitic' and 'terrorist'.

Just as how the love for Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is an integral part and an obvious demand of Imaan, so too is the love of those that were beloved to Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), with the pure daughters of Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), his pure grandchildren, his pure wives, his believing pure uncles and aunts, (collectively known as the Ahle-Bayt) and those Sahabah who accepted Islam right at the beginning, being in the forefront of those who Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) loved the most. Any doubt harbored against any one of these illustrious personalities places one's Imaan on the being of ruin. May Almighty Allah save us all from saying, writing or making any type of indication which displeases Almighty Allah and causes hurt to Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).

May Almighty Allah forgive this servant, Let the Ummah rectify the many errors that definitely exist in this compiliation, and allow the truth to manifest in this world already. He alone is The Ultimate Truth, He alone knows the entire truth, and He alone exposes the truth wherever and whenever He wishes.

Jazakumullah Khayran!

Karbala: A "Bloody" Consipracy and the Secrets Behind ItWhere stories live. Discover now