Chapter 4

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(Belarus POV)

When the ghost boy first woke up, he looked around like he didn't know where he was. Which was understandable since he randomly appeared in a flash of light.

The ghost boy looked around at the people in the room, and once he found the personification of Canada, he ran straight up to him and tried talking to him. It was like he didn't know that he was a ghost because he got very scared when his hand went through the Canadian.

What intrigued me though was how the ghost referred to Canada as "Mattie" and his brother. He could easily just a kid that knew Canada from years prior, and just considered him a brother, but the resemblance between them was uncanny. This ghost and Canada were identical twins.

Does this mean the ghost is a personification? That would explain why he gives off the same feeling as the ancients, but that wouldn't explain why he's a ghost. Personifications don't become ghosts when they die, the ancients are proof of that.

After watching him attempt to fly, push a chair from under Canada, and laugh like a dumbass for a good 5 minutes. I have taken back any assumptions that he was a teenager, he is an actual child.

He then climbed onto the table and was gonna attempt to fly again. But then paused when he heard Germany start speaking. Like he was trying to figure out who he was.

When Germany spoke to England, suddenly all of the childish joy on the ghost's face vanished. He climbed off the table and stared up to England in sort of trance.

Soon that trance-like state turned to anger as he gave off an aura and face I've only ever seen on myself and big brother.

As Britain walked off the podium, the ghost jumped toward him and tried to punch him, the whole time screaming about how England ruined his life and took his country. Which proves that he is indeed a country, and whatever England did had turned him into this.

Eventually the ghost tired himself out and fell to the ground in a fit of sobs. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.

When Germany called for lunch break, I decided that it was time to try and talk with him.

"Sestra, are you gonna join me and your sestra for lunch?" Big brother's words interrupted my thoughts.

"Of course big brother, maybe you can hide a ring in my food so you can propose to me. Then we can finally become one!" Big brother visibly tensed at those words and slowly started to back up.

"Actually little sestra, I just remembered China wanted me for lunch." And with that Russia
sprinted out of the room.

"Why does that always work?" I sighed.

'Well at least now I can see if the boy is alright without anyone thinking I'm insane.'
(3rd person POV)

Belarus knelt down next to the ghost boy stared at him for a bit as he cried.

"Are you alright?" She finally asked.

America looked up at where he heard the noise, only to find a girl staring down at him.

"Y-you can see me?"

"Da, now answer the question." Belarus said.

"Um... not really, but someone actually seeing me definitely helps." Alfred gave a weak smile.

"Good." Belarus abruptly stood up and began walking away.

"Hey, w-wait!" Alfred yelled to her.

Belarus snapped her head back and glared at America. "What?!"

"P-please d-don't leave me a-alone." At this point America already had tears streaming down his face again.

Belarus felt a pang if guilt in her heart as she saw how desperate and lost he looked. It reminded her a lot of her own situation with her brother.

Belarus eventually gave into his sad face. "Fine, but you're gonna answer some questions for me, da?"

"Sure, sure, anything." America smiled at the fact that she was actually staying.

Belarus walked back over and sat across from him. "So first question, who are you?"

"I'm Alfred F. Jones, but I'm also the personification of the Uni- former United States of America." America's face quickly switched from a big smile to a deep frown.

"What country do you personify?" America asked.

"Oh, uh... Belarus."

Belarus was too lost on her thoughts to care about what America was asking. She knew he was a personification, but not the America. It had been an unspoken rule never to mention America around England.

"So your America, as in England's old colony America?"

America just sighed as he thought about England again. "Yes, I am."

"How did you die?" Belarus asked, getting more a more intrigued with America's story.

America cringed as he remembered the moment of his death.

"I was fighting in the Revolutionary War. I had just beaten England and began walking away, but I made the mistake turning my back to him. He got back up while I wasn't looking and called out to me, the second I turned around, he shot me."

Belarus was silent as she thought about what she just learned. She already knew that England did something to him, but she didn't know it was that bad. England had shot his own teenage colony.

"How did you fight in the war? From the looks of it, you're no older than 15." Belarus asked.

"Oh, I was actually a drummer boy for the first year or so. I don't have my drum on me, but I know I have my flute somewhere."

America began digging into his uniform pocket as he searched for the flute. At the same time, the rest of the nations began to enter the room.
Word count: 957

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