Chapter 11

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(3rd person POV)

2 days later, America and Belarus had planned out their mission and were now driving to the airport.

"You know you don't have to come with me, I only need a ride to the airport." America said as he looked over to Belarus.

"London was changed a lot in the 200 years you were gone, you'll only get lost on your own." Belarus said matter-of-factly.

"Aw Natalya, you do care about me." America touched his heart and pretended to wipe tears.

"You are mistaken, I only wish to make sure you don't act like an idiot and chase a butterfly into a forest or something. I also still need to stab you for all the times you've insisted on saying my name despite me constantly telling you not to."

"Yeah, right." America just leaned back in his seat and looked out the window for the rest of the car ride.

Once they reached the airport, they boarded the plane and took off for London.

The plane they took was completely booked, meaning America now had to sit on the floor. Which Belarus enjoyed very much.

Once they reached London, Belarus hailed a taxi. While on their car ride to England's house, America took in the new and improved London. Belarus was right when she said it was different, America could barely recognize any of the buildings, but once in a while he would find a group of old buildings still standing.

Belarus and America reached England's house, still exactly the same as when America went there for the first time. America walked through the front door, and after making sure no one was home, turned around and unlocked the door for Belarus.

The two made their way through the house and walked to the basement door. Belarus opened the door and the two descended the stone stairs into the dark dungeon.

America fumbled for a light switch, and eventually found one. He flipped it on and lit up the creepy basement.

The two noticed the giant pentagram in the center of the room, a weird worn down chair covered in tape, and cupboards covered in jars of various otherworldly ingredients.

"Ok, so we should be looking for a dark leather book." America informed Belarus.

Belarus just nodded and went off to look for it.

America began searching in his half of the room, and after a few minutes he heard Belarus call out to him.

"Is this it?" America turned around to see Belarus holding up a big dark book.

"Yes!" America jumped up and ran to her.

Belarus flipped through the book looking for any resurrection spells, and eventually found a spell labeled "reanimate the dead."

"That's gotta be it, right? America looked at Belarus, who just shrugged in return.

America took the book and walked over to the pentagram. After grabbing the necessary ingredients, he began the spell.

After finishing up spell, he looked at himself to see any changes.

"Do I look alive to you?" America asked.

Belarus just shook her head. Just then, a hand stuck out of the pentagram and began climbing out of the ground.

America looked down and jumped away when he saw the creature climbing out.

"Yo, dudette, I think we just summoned a zombie!"

Belarus just calmly took out one of her knives at threw it at the zombie's face, dropping it to the ground with a thud.

Belarus went over to the zombie and took her knife out of its skull. "That didn't work, are there any other spells?"

America skimmed through the spell book and found a couple more resurrection spells.

After a while, they had gone through all of the spells, but none had succeeded in bringing America back.

"I'm sorry Amerika, but I don't think there's any spell that will bring you back."

America just looked down at the ground feeling dejected, and turned away to start walking out of the basement. Something caught his eye, however, a large glass weapon case. He walked over and opened it, and looked inside at the weapon, a musket with a very familiar gash out of the side of it. His musket.

America grabbed the musket out of the case and began aiming and spinning it, reminiscing about his time with it in the Revolutionary War.

America thought more about the war and his people, but then he began to get another idea.

"Hey Nat, what happens when a nation loses their land?" America asked as he continued to look at his gun.

Belarus just looked at him like he was the dumbest person in the world. "They fade away and go to limbo, I thought you knew this. You were literally in the land of the ancients before now."

America just turned around and looked at Belarus. "But what if they get their land back, are there any nations like that?"

"Well Prussia would be the closest, but his people still believed themselves as Prussians. So Prussia was able to stay alive long enough to become East Germany." Belarus was curious as to where America was going with this.

"Right, and technically I'm not faded away. So if I get my land back, or even just people believing in my country, then there still may be a chance to come back."

Belarus just stared at America in disbelief. "I thought you were supposed to be an idiot."

America just laughed at the comment, switching back to his normal, goofy personality. "It's just a guess, there's a great chance it won't work anyway."

Belarus thought about the chances of this actually working, and while small, there was no harm in trying. "It's at least worth trying, but how do you plan on getting you're land and people back?"

"Well if I know anything about England, it's that he will do anything to keep his colonies under his control. Which means asking him for my land back is almost impossible. I'll obviously try, but if he doesn't accept..."

America's face darkened as he grazed his fingers across the gash on the musket.

"I'll need to start a revolution."
Word count: 1022

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