It's all over

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"Scream for me bitch!" he yelled through drunken slurs.

The stench of alcohol filled my nostrils as he moved towards me. Slowly making his way he avoids the small bed. Above me there he stood looking down at me as if I was nothing to him.

"I said scream!!" He slaps me hard. The taste of blood on my tongue as I wet my lips.

Holding back the tears I scream.

"Mmm good girl. You like screaming for Daddy don't you; you little slut."

I look away as tears urge their way to my eyes.

"Look at me." His words filled with venom.

I refuse his request. This pisses him off.

Roughly I'm jerked up by hard hands. I wince at the shooting pain going through my arms. Peaking up at his face all I see is fury. His nostrils flared, a few veins popping up from the rage etched into his eyes.

"I said look at me Deanna. Your disobedience will bring consequences you will not like. Understand me little girl. I'm not playing games tonight.

"Yes sir." I whisper softly as I slowly began to look up at his vexed expression

"Good girl. Now get on your knees and suck Daddy off. I've had a rough day, and I want those sweet lips around my cock."

He sits on the bed with a waiting stair. I stood my ground for a second. The will to fight against him strong. He let's me stand my ground a good moment before standing himself.

He sighs clenching his jaw. Shaking his head he takes a couple hard steps towards me. Looking down at me he chuckles humorously.

Suddenly his fierce grip tightly clings to my neck. Gripping his wrist I choke on my breath. Slowly he brings his face close to mine. His breath on my ear.

"Now what has Daddy told you about disobeying him. Huh?" His voice smooth as silk. He's calm.

But that didn't mean I couldn't see the rage swimming in his eyes. Before a second thought could be fathomed his grip tightens and his face changes.

"You aren't going to answer me now? Okay. You want to play games. We'll play games." As his last breath left his mouth I was slammed against the wall.

I yelp in pain clawing at his flesh trying to be released. Crying out in pain. The burning in my lunges become to painful for me to bare.

"Please." The word barely escapes my mouth.

"Oh now you want to talk. But only to beg for your pathetic life. Now you started this game. And I'm going to have fun. Hmm. What game haven't we played reacently." As malicious smile grew on his dark face.

A feeling in the pit of my stomach grew as the fear in my eyes became apparent to this evil beast.

"Mmm. Now I know the perfect game we can play." His voice dark and filled with an evil promis.

"I say we play a good old fashioned game of chase. You need the excessive. And well I want to hear your screams as I've finally got you pinned down. Then maybe you'll  listen to Daddy."

My eyes widen. A chance at freedom?? No this is too easy. Something isn't right with this. The gears in my head rotate. Slowly I try to figure the catch of the game.

"What's wrong Deanna? Don't think you can win?" As dark chuckle escapes his mouth.

"N-no." My words frail.

"No? Good. I'll even give you a head start. Shall we say a good five minutes? Yes that sounds swell. I'll make it to were I can't even see the direction you're going to go." Smiling he's satisfied with himself.

"Now go Deanna before I change my mind." His expression started to darken as an evil smirk makes its way to his lips.

My eyes widen. "RUN YOU FOOL!!!" I yell at myself.

With that in mind I jet. Running out the small room and down the vast stair case. With the door unlocked I jerked the handle and open the door. Running to the edge of the porch I pause.

Fresh air and bright sunshine hit my face. Wanting to soak up as much of it as I can before I run. Pausing a moment I look behind me then jump off the porch and head out. Hoping the direction I take leads me to civilization.

A good ways into the forest I notice the sun setting. No... the forest was dark enough, and with the little light I had has reached me a good distance away. Slowing my pace I look for some sign of anything. With HIM at the back of my mind it was difficult to make split decisions.

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