Chapter 12

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I didn't sleep much last night. The events from the day before played through my mind hundreds of times, looking for any mistakes in my movements, anything I could've done differently. There are little tweaks I would have made to my performance, but the more I think about it, the more mad and frustrated I get.

In my mind, I know I need to come up with a different strategy to survive in this world, but as long as I survive this year by avoiding Prince Cole - which I plan to do even more so now - I'll have enough time to devise my next course of action before Duke Ewell needs to marry me off. Amalie in the novel was only seventeen, most nobles marry a few years after their coming of age ceremony when they turn eighteen. Amalie's ceremony was right before Queen Rista overthrew the palace and Prince Cole fled to Baron Hasting's estate. If I steer away from Cole and his drama, I'll have maybe three more years to make a name for myself before Duke Ewell starts asking me about marriage.

Tonight's the closing ball of the Sonna Festival and I decide not to think anymore about my situation. I deserve a break, at least one night. Prince Cole and Margarite Hastings are to meet and dance the night away, and I will watch them fall in love from the side as I've read about so many times before. Tonight isn't about survival, it's about finally relaxing for once.

Along with this being a banquet for the nobles to celebrate another successful year, the knight candidates that did pass the Imperial Knights Exam are also allowed entry, no title needed. It's a bit of a celebration to welcome them into knighthood and have them announced in high society. I wonder if I'll see Grace dancing with some nobleman tonight, or even a fellow knight. In my mind, I make a mental note to properly congratulate her sometime this evening.

Layers of pale tulle flow around me, cinching at my waste under a silk ribbon that hugs my body. The skirt falls short in the front so my ankles are exposed, while growing longer in the back so that it drags behind me as I walk. The dress is difficult to navigate in while walking due to the miles of fabric that drape around my legs, creating the image of the classic ball gown I would see in princess movies as a child. A layer of translucent lace wraps across my chest to one of my shoulders, leaving the other bare.

Looking in the mirror, a beautiful goddess stared back at me. Charlotte decorated my skin in glitter, making me shine under the golden fabric, and enhancing Amalie's natural gorgeous appearance. The dress is darker towards the bottom and fades to a shade of white as it rises to my chest. A pair of silk white gloves covers the area between my fingertips to my elbows, tugging at the fabric wrapped around my hips.

Charlotte twisted my fiery curls into a side braid, decorated with silver pins as it trails down to my waist. The best way I can describe how I look is like a character straight from a fairy tale book. Gold and red of course is typically only worn by the Imperial family, especially at a public ball, but my father himself allowed me to assert the Ewell family's influence in the kingdom.

I am the daughter of Duke Ewell, I have to act like it.

"My Lady," Charlotte interrupts my daze, "Which piece of jewelry do you prefer? This golden chain compliments the gown, but this ruby broach matches with your hair perfectly." She holds up two equally lovely pieces of jewelry, but neither of which I would prefer. There's simply something missing from both.

"Anything you think is preferable," I say, adjusting a stray pin in my hair.

Charlotte sighs, clearly distraught by my shift in energy. I haven't been very lively or decisive since the Knights exam yesterday, and she must notice my distanced behavior but chooses not to push me further. After a contemplative glance, she decides to clasp the golden chain around my neck.

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