SCP Idea Pitch

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Have an idea pitch that I'm probably going to draft on the website but I'm not looking for the green light currently.

*simple summary*

'Stone Cold'

Seeking greenlights: this is wattpad so I'm looking for criticism :/

Page type: SCP article

Elevator pitch: A humanoid SCP (I'm screwing myself over first try) with a stone touch. Nothing much. It experiences social anxiety and displays discomfort towards loud noises. Observations show how limited SCP is in improving her control over her anomaly.

Central narrative: Well it would be about this certain SCP and how it survives with it's pretty annoying ability. Things like 'how they will figure out how to eat' or 'how will they talk to others?'. It has to learn how to get around turning everything to stone. One day, she finds herself walking down the streets with no sense of direction, when she hears a barking sound. Moving towards it, she reaffirms herself that it's safe and won't hurt her. She follows its footsteps around for a while before stopping when she hears it whimpering. Without thinking twice, the dog jumps into her arms seeking warmth. She can hear screams as the fur of the canine turns cold and hard. Someone's on the phone, another grabs her arms to pull her away from the animal cadaver and after being put into a car with some serious sounding people, she is taken away to the foundation to be evaluated.

Hook/Attention Grabber: Later on in the article, it is revealed that because of a family history of genetic eye diseases, this SCP's eyesight is already in shambles. Due to this discovery, containment and supervision of the anomaly will be relatively harder. What makes it worse, is that it doesn't understand a word of English. Dr ██████ has been assigned to this SCP in hopes to restrict the amount of damage that could be done to either itself or others.

Page Layout: Y'know, normal containment and description stuff along with some incident reports and maybe an interview.

Additional Notes: First SCP let's gooooooo--
Ok, I'm being serious, criticism is welcome mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm also posting my pitch on wattpad before getting it on the website because of my crippling lack of experience.

~ '404'

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