Team Rocket (chapter two)

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Your pov

We were in mt moon trying to leave soon we stop and took a break we sit down

Adam: I had to anyway you didn't get hurt

I ignore him I lay down and closed my eyes suddenly Adam yells

I open my eyes and saw a swarm of zubats we ran away soon they stop chasing we start trying to find the exit

Adam: please forgive me

Me: nope

Adam: I'll carry you the rest of the way

Me: whenever I'm tired of walking you let me on you

Adam: ok

I climb up to his shoulder and relaxed

Adam: so that's where you're going to rest

I nod

Adam: so how do you know about the gyms

Me: I know everything about pokemon

Adam: how

Me: I've read a lot of books

Adam: so what is the next gym

Me: water

Adam: what's their pokemons levels

Me: Mistys psyduck is level eighteen and her starmie is level nineteen

Adam: ok

Me: do you know anything about pokemon or the gym leaders

Adam: I only know type matchups and pokemon

I groan in annoyance

Adam: what I thought it would be fun to only know type matchups

Me: I guess I'll help you

He smiles I yawn

Adam: thanks

I smile soon we see light Adam walks towards it soon we exit wind blew through our hair the sun was just coming up so the breeze was crisp and nice I love cold weather

Adam: finally we're free from that horrible place

Suddenly two people appear in front of us the girl had long pinkish red hair and the boy had medium lavender hair they where accompanied by a meowth that was on it's hind legs Adam sighs

Pinkish red: prepare for trouble

Lavender: and make it double

Pinkish red: to protect the world of devastation

Lavender: to unite all people within our nation

Pinkish red: to denounce the evils of truth and love

Lavender: to extend our reach to the stars above

Turned Into A Pokemon | Oc X Reader | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now