Ghost Town (chapter five)

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Your pov

We finally exit Cerulean cave I was on Adams shoulder Adam was so tired of walking

Adam: finally

We arrive at Lavender town this place always gives me the creeps maybe it's because I read a lot of pokemon creepypasta's or dead pokemon live in the tower

Adam: what is this place

Me: Lavender town

Adam: why is it so creepy

Me: because in that tower is where pokemon are burried

We see a cubone it goes into the pokemon tower the cubone was followed by Tyler we enter the pokemon tower we go upstairs then we saw Tyler and cubone I go up to the cubone Adam started battling Tyler

Me: what's wrong

Cubone sadly says: mama

I tilt my head

Me: w-

Suddenly a ghost appeared I jump onto Adam's shoulder

Adam: what's wr- ahh

Tyler: what the heck is that

Cubone: mama

Ghost: be gone

Adam: let's go

We leave

Adam: was that even a pokemon

Brain: did dad make another pokemon

Tyler: I wonder why cubone is so sad

Adam: have any idea y/n

I nod

Tyler: why would you ask eevee it can't talk

I sigh I jump off Adams shoulder I go to cubone

Me: what happend to your mother

Tyler: eevee can talk

Cubone: m-mean humans killed mama

Me: I'm sorry what did the humans look like

Cubone: big r

I question: big r

Tyler: team rocket maybe

Adam: might as well check it out

Me: but where do we go

Tyler: come with me

We start following Tyler I climb onto Adams shoulder we leave Lavender town

Tyler: so how can eevee talk

Me: will you tell anyone

Tyler: no if I can have you

Adam: no

Tyler: why not

Me: because I'm not anyone's pokemon

Tyler: then why do you follow Adam

Me: because I have to

Tyler: why

Me: because I trust him more to keep my secret

Tyler: fine I'll stop asking

Adam: where are we going

Tyler: Celadon

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