Giovanni (chapter six)

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Your pov

While they were fighting I jump off Adams shoulder and started looking around soon I hear team rocket leaving we enter a room we see a man

???: who are you and what did you do with Jessie James and meowth

Tyler: we beated their butts now what did you do to cubones mother

???: you mean those marowaks well I guess you could say we put them somewhere that's above

Tyler: you're dead

Tyler and the man starts fighting

After the fight

Giovanni: alright here take this you'll be able to see any ghosts

Giovanni hands Adam a scope

Giovanni: it's called the silph scope now leave

We leave I climb onto Adams shoulder as soon as we were out they started walking to Lavender town as soon as we arrive we enter the tower we go to the second to last floor we see the scary ghost

Cubone: mama

Adam uses the silph scope revealing a ghost marowak cubone tries to touch marowak but it disappears

Tyler: hey cubone want to journey with me

Cubone looks at Tyler then nods Tyler brings out a pokeball Tyler catches cubone we go to the top we see an old man we go up to him he looks at us

Tyler: are you ok

???: yes

Adam: what are you doing here

???: I was trying to calm marowaks spirit but it seems like it has left

Tyler: let's get out of here

We leave then we enter the old man's house who I think is called mr Fuji

Fuji: as a thanks for helping me calm down marowaks soul I want you two to have this

Mr Fuji hands them a pokeflute each

Fuji: a pokeflute is a musical instrument that wake sleeping pokemon up

Adam and Tyler: thank you

Fuji: no thank you if it weren't for you two marowaks soul wouldn't rest

We leave

Adam: I wonder if it works on you y/n

Me: try it and I'll bite you

Adam: ok ok let's go

Tyler: I'll meet you soon bye

He leaves

Adam: bye

I wave I was happy it's now just us I love being alone with Adam

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