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Aerum was feeling hopeless. For the past 2 weeks she was trying to find the right company. She was training for 6 years in SM, but had to quit as her father came to know the way SM trainers were treating her (as she was a mix). She hid it from her family for the sake of her dream, but her father being a powerful man came to know about it. He was ready to sue SM but she begged him as she had felt some sort of connection with the company. Her father agreed, on the condition that she leaves the company and so she did. Her father who had once supported her dream was not supporting her anymore. Well, she couldn't blame her dad for it. For the first few months after quitting she decided to spend time with her family since she rarely had time to do it. After 5 months her father decided to sent her to America for her to study law.

                He didn't support her dreams anymore. She was devastated. She had only two weeks for her flight to America. She was trying to find the right company for 2 weeks. Now she only had 3 days left. Min Jun was also helping her because he didn't want his best friend to leave. He was pacing around her room in frustration. Aerum was laying on her bed, ready to give up.

"Min Jun-ah,I think dad's right....I think my dream is something that will never happen.I dont think I am cut out to be an idol". Min Jun stopped all of his movements and faced the girl completely stunned,"Idiot what the hell are you saying??Are you going to give up just like that??You have trained for 6 goddamn years and you are saying that you are not cut out to be an idol?? Many companies are trying to scout you, even SM is trying to take you back!!The only problem here is you!! You are damn picky." He said frustrated "I know that but i just want a company who will allow me to work as an artist,who will allow me to produce my own songs and don't want me to behave like a manufactured doll for other's satisfaction.I know that to be an idol we have to behave a certain way but I just want to be me.I want a company who will acknowledge my ideas and treat me like a person and not a doll" she said.She was on the verge of tears.Min Jun noticed it, Aerum was someone who only shows her weakest side to people she loves and she hardly even cries infront of someone. She was good at keeping a facade of a brave girl. Min Jun's eyes softened.He immediately went and hugged her.

It was currently 9 pm.It had been a few minutes since she stopped crying and fell asleep. She was cuddling with him.It was quite normal for them since they had been friends for a long time. He wasn't asleep,he was trying to think of some solution. He got up and researched for some companies. After an hour or so, he also fell asleep cuddling with her. He didn't want her to leave.

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