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It's been 4 hours since they were trying to find a company. They had visited 3 companies and they were ready to scout her but she felt like something was missing and declined their offer. Min Jun was annoyed by his picky friend but still he didn't say anything as he believes that she knows what she wants. He was always patient with her, that's one of the many reasons he is her best friend. They were worried because she had to leave for America in 2 days. Making today the last day to join a company.

They decided to eat something from a cafe as they were tired and hungry. They settled in the cafe and ordered what they wanted. None of them spoke for a few minutes. After a few minutes they both released a sign,they looked at each other and chuckled. "I don't think I will find the right one. Hell, maybe the company of my dreams may not even exist." she said "Well I have another plan.Maybe my plan can work"he said in a serious tone."What is it?"she asked, curiously."Well…since you are really rich....why don't you start your own company and be an idol there. It's a win win, you will be able to debut and no one will be there to boss you around...." he said in the same serious tone.There was a minute of silence for a minute. "Wow.......You...are..the most..dumbest person I have ever met."she said surprised at her friends foolishness."WHAT???" he protested."I don't even know how you became my friend" she mumbled.bThe boy was very offended and began to rant at her. She didn't care about what her stupid friend was saying. She looked towards the building opposite the cafe. She read out its name"Bighit entertainment"......she was thinking for a minute. She was brought back to reality by her friend."You are not listening to me,are you??....Yah!!!you should pay attention to me.You should consider yourself lucky for having such a handsome friend" He stopped ranting when the food came and thanked the waiter."Min min-ah why don't we try bighit entertainment??" she asked pointing out to the building.

He looked at the company for the moment and said"Theres no way they will scout you..". "Why?"the girl asked, confused."Well they only scout male idols" he replies.

Aerum was even more confused and asked"Why??Do they have something against females??". " No,there was a huge scandal and from then onwards the company stopped scouting females."he replied,still focused on his food."oh...well then we are going there."she replied. He looked up amused at his friend."What??I have a gut feeling that company is what I am looking for.."she said."Are you deaf??Didn't I say that bighit would never scout femles?".She rolls her eyes, "Well they should make an exception for me" she replied

"Come on,I just want to meet the CEO!"she tried to make the receptionist understand."Look young lady, bighit doesn't accept female trainees and now that i think of it you seem like a crazy fan. Leave before I call the security." She scoffed and left the building while mentally cursing at the receptionist. There near the building was her friend standing near his motorcycle with a smug grin, "Told ya, brat" and climbed onto his bike and signalled her to climb in. She stood there and said "No I am not leaving.I am going to get in and you are going to help me" she said smirking.

Min Jun was so done with her. His so-called best friend had instructed him to flirt with the receptionist and distract her so that she could sneak in. He went inside reluctantly. The receptionist who saw the handsome young man was already whipped for him."What can I help you with,handsome??" He wanted to cringe so bad and he began to mentally curse Aerum and also started questioning his life decisions.'This girl is going to be the death of me' he thought.And he began to flirt...

Meanwhile,Aerum successfully reached the CEO's office. She knocked on the door and someone from the room asked her to come in.."Ah sejin i want you to....."he stopped midway and stared at the girl with surprise."WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??HOW DID YOU GET IN??"he began to shout."Well i wanted to meet you to ask about something but the receptionist wouldn't let me in so I had to sneak in."she rambled. The ceo was shocked."YOU SNEAKED INTO MY OFFICE??WHY??WHAT? SECU-"he again began to scream.But the girl stopped him midway."WAIT!!PLEASE HEAR ME OUT FIRST!!"..........."Well you have 10 minutes to say what you want".The girl smiled and started to explain......


                           " are one crazy girl but i got to admit it you are determined.I allow my artist to produce their own music and they do not have strict contracts...."the man named bang pd said.n"Thats exactly what I want.....Please let me work for this company I will do anything if you give me a chance"she pleaded. "Actually I have heard of you. Many companies are trying to scout you and you are here wanting to join my company, although you know very well that we do not accept females...but I can see your passion, so i will let you in but i have one condition"he said."I will do anything"the girl said excitedly..."you should not talk to any of the artists working under the company. You may think I am weird but the truth is I am still paranoid after the scandal" he stated.
"Deal!"the girl said as she cared less about talking to other artists.

She skipped out the lift happily and saw the receptionist still clinging onto her friend and from the looks of it he wanted to run away from her .Once he saw her,he called out "Darling!!!" Aerum caught on and yelled back"Yes babe"

The receptionist was shocked and was even more shocked when she saw the girl from before."Yah!!HOW DID YOU GET IN??AND WHY ARE YOU CALLING HER DARLING??"she asked stunned. "Well because she is my girl,so i can call her darling"he said meanwhile Aerum wanted to scoff."You were clearly flirting with me.You should leave her.I know you dont even love her or why would you even flirt with me"

"Welll......I am sorry to disappoint you but it was all just a plan to distract you" Aerum bluntly replied.The receptionist was furious. Aerum continued "And thanks to you we will see each other everyday.......Thank you" she said bowing 90° and leaving the building with Min Jun who was laughing, seeing the receptionist's jaw dropping.

"So you got in??"he asked wearing his helmet."Yeah and its all thanks to you.I owe you one"the girl said getting on his bike and wrapping her arms aroumd his waist..."You owe me a lot sweetheart" he said chuckling. "Yeah yeah now off we go,I am tired" she said holding onto him.He shook his head at her behaviour and started the engine,"This girl......hold on tight"


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