Metallica as TEACHERS

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-that one teacher who's always in time
-gives you guys extra grade if you're all quiet and behave
-the teacher who you can open up to
-always smiles
-teaches very well but can be boring sometimes
-very kind and nice
-doesn't scold anyone unless real necessary


-everybody in the class bullies him
-can't even reach the top of the blackboard to erase something so he lets someone erase it for him
-curses alot
-throws the chalk on you if you're not paying attention
-gets called by alot of names
-every student wants to touch his shiny forehead
-speaks danish randomly
-gives you alot of pop quizzes


-that one teacher who always say a joke but no one laughs
-makes you read alot of pages instead of him discussing it
-teaches while he has a hangover
-lets you sleep in his class
-tells a random story that's out of the lesson until the period is over
-lets you have lunch break five minutes earlier than the other classrooms
-will shout YEAH if you got a right answer in a recitation


-gives you alot of free time
-will send you to detention if you're noisy
-walks out if the class is in chaos
-has a scary and demonic voice when mad
-very generous on giving grades
-nice and friendly


-is friends with every student ever
-is a favourite teacher
-makes the lessons very interesting
-lets you do whatever you want in class
-atleast half of the girls in the room has a fat crush on him
-very loveable and kind
-doesn't get mad at all
-makes you pass his subject even though you're failing hard
-friends with every parent


-gossips about the school's darkest secrets
-doesn't care about the class and just teaches
-doesn't wear the school uniform but wears his favourite denims
-quiet af
-will make you eat paper if you're noisy
-will always say no in everything you say


-will hit you if you're being noisy
-is grumpy af
-doesn't care about the parents' concern
-drinks beer inside the classroom
-gets alot of complains by the students
-curses everyone he sees
-if you throw him a paper ball he'll throw a freaking rock at you

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